Cat Cafe Manager is a resource-focused game that (as to be expected from the title) is all about managing a cat cafe. A player will have many different things to manage within this game, such as adopting stray cats to give them a new home and ensuring the business can appeal to many types of people.

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The cute aesthetic and simple-looking gameplay has already lured many people into trying out the title. However, there are many things to pay attention to, and some people may end up getting stuck on certain parts of the game without some beginner tips.

7 Different Customers Pay With Different Resources

Cat Cafe Manager - The ingame town

A player will meet with a large, colorful cast of characters as they go through Cat Cafe Manager. It is worth noting that each different type of customer will be attracted to something different about the shop.

The way to tell which customer is what type the little icon is that is shown near them (such as an artist being recognized with a paintbrush, a fisher with a fish, and so on). These customers will pay with different types of resources, like a witch paying with Nectar, which can be used in various parts of the shop.

6 Don't Focus Too Much In One Area

Cat Cafe Manager - The character Carla-Lalla

If a player wants to succeed, they are going to want to appeal to all six different types of customers. These customers will all want something different out of the player's cafe, and they all have something important to offer when it comes to materials.

The best course of action is to ensure that the player upgrades every part of their cafe as equally as they can. It's a good idea to spread out wider, instead of focusing on only one section of the cafe. This is to ensure that all customer types are as happy as possible.

5 Beginner Traits Are Important

Cat Cafe Manager - A customer and a cat

When the player first starts the game, they will be prompted to pick out a trait that will ultimately end up aiding them through the game. Each trait does something different, so it is worth taking a little bit of time to think over each trait.

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For example, a player who wants to adopt more cats will want to pick the Gentle trait. This will make it easier for the player to befriend more cats. Of course, though, a player should pick a beginner trait that suits them and their style of gameplay the most, which is important in the grand scheme of things.

4 Regular Customers Give Greater Rewards

Cat Cafe Manager - Petting stray cats

As a player goes through the game, they will eventually start to gather up some regular customers. These customers will actually have dialogue and interact with the player, so it is a good idea to warm up to them.

These regular customers, once they are properly served, will give the players much more resources than just a normal customer. As such, it would be a high priority to ensure that a player keeps these regulars as happy as possible, as they are a great source of different types of resources, which can be used to upgrade the shop.

3 Visit The Shrine Often

Cat Cafe Manager - Managing the game's cafe

After playing the game for a while, fans will eventually be able to unlock the Shrine, which they will be led to by a black cat named Grimalkin. This shrine is upgraded by the Delight that customers leave behind in the cafe - a good indicator of how happy they were with their experience.

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A player can spend their Delight at the Shrine for all sorts of upgrades (such as being able to have more seats in the cafe). It is a good idea to visit the Shrine as often as possible because of this benefit.

2 Experiment With Cafe Designs

Cat Cafe Manager - Building the cafe

One of the things that players will learn is that the cafe's design is actually very important; it's not just an aesthetic choice. Furniture will have different stats for a player to pick from, and this can appeal to either the customers or the cats.

Some players may want to stick to one whole theme, while others will want to branch out into different themes in one cafe. A player should just go with what feels right for them, or for what goes best with their playstyle. The stats of the furniture will be a deciding factor in what gets placed.

1 Decorations Are Important

Cat Cafe Manager - The ingame shop

Similar to how the different types of furniture and their stats are important to the player's cafe, decorations also serve as an aid to the charm of the cafe that a player is trying to build. This charm, in turn, can cause customers to give more Delight to the cafe.

Decorations are more minor than furniture, so a player doesn't have to carefully plan what decorations to buy. However, there should still be some forethought put into them, if nothing else to at least keep the theme of the cafe coherent.

Cat Cafe Manager is available on Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch.

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