The supernautral anime, Castlevania, tells the tragic story of Vlad Dracula Tepes, a vampire left heartbroken and enraged after his beloved wife Lisa was murdered by the Church. The only fitting revenge, according to the King of Vampires, is to eradicate the entire human race.

Vampire armies flock to his side, excited at the thought of war, however it seems that not all of Dracula's court are on his side. The vengeful Carmilla attempts a coup to overthrow Lord Dracula, but her plans are swiftly thwarted, and she is forced to flee back home. However, what could have happened if Castlevania's Queen of Styria was given the opportunity to battle the Vampire King?

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Carmilla Queen of Styria Castlevania

Carmilla is the vicious Queen of Styria and mastermind behind the Council of Sisters who has manipulation skills that are tantamount to mind control. Her powers of persuasion are likened to that of a "Magical Reality Distortion Spell," casting a veil of accord over anyone it touches. With a head for scheming and a heart full of revenge, this unsympathetic vampiress is a formidable force with advanced agility and surprisingly keen swordsmanship. She can leap meters into the air with acrobatic grace and is a big fan of fancy footwork, often striking out with a potent kick of her stiletto. Much like Dracula, she hates all of humanity, although her malice overflows onto other vampires as well - particularly the chauvinistic male variety.

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Carmilla is evidently stronger than most vampires, as even her powerful sisters would not think of taking her on. The vicious vampiress easily put Godbrand in his place, and she slices through night creatures like butter -even the strongest demon, Abel, is no match for the bloodthirsty Queen. She is seen wielding her curved sword in both hands, implying the additional skill of ambidexterity, and Carmilla can move with such intense speed that she appears to be teleporting. The Queen of Styria can move through an enemy and obliterate their internal organs before they even know they have been attacked. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.


Vlad Dracula Tepes Castlevania

Following the stereotype of most myths, Castlevania's Dracula is considered to be the most powerful vampire in the world. He could overpower his foes, human or supernatural, with the flick of a wrist, and demolish entire buildings with barely any effort. Dracula's speed is unmatched, even by Alucard, and any blow that manages to land on the Vampire King appears to do no damage. Neither Trevor's Morning Star, Sypha's Ice Shards, nor Dracula's own Dark Inferno left more than a scratch on the vampire - fueling the legend that he was indestructible.

As a master of the elements, Dracula has a particular affinity for fire, capable of creating and manipulating flames. In addition, he is highly knowledgeable about all things magic and scientific, resulting in the required skill set (supposedly) for the creation of Dracula's Castle. In his many years on earth, the Vampire King has mastered the art of hand-to-hand combat and developed the ability to levitate, to the point where he can fly through the air. However, Dracula's most impressive attribute is his immunity to garlic, silver, crosses, and sunlight - things that would otherwise debilitate a vampire. Additionally, Dracula is not crippled by bloodlust and could intentionally refrain from drinking blood for months at a time while still working at peak physical performance.

Who Would Be Victorious?

King of Vampires and the Queen of Styria Castlevania

No one can deny that Dracula went slightly insane towards the end, but Castlevania fans are unsure whether this was due to his deep depression, or from lack of blood. It appears that his physical capabilities were not slowed by malnutrition, however, his mental capacity tells a different story. What difference does it make? No matter how powerful, a warrior will eventually slip up if they are unable to think clearly, and even Dracula admitted that he was no longer capable of doing so. But if Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard threw all they had at Dracula and still barely managed a win, what chance would Carmilla have stood if she came face-to-face with her king in combat?

It is possible that, with her advanced swordsmanship, exceptional speed, and superb intellect, Carmilla could have drawn out a fight against Dracula longer than any other vampire would have been able to. She could have worked her "Magical Reality Distortion Spell" on the enraged and emotional king, poking at his fragile heart until she found an opening. And for a man that has gone off the rails, this may have been an easy feat for her highly efficient manipulative techniques. With Carmilla's swift and skillful use of her blade, it would take only a moment of hesitation from Dracula to give her the gap to attempt decapitation or plant a stake in his heart. Perhaps if she managed to distract him with her words, Carmilla could have stood a fighting chance.

The Queen of Styria single-handedly fought off an army of night creatures but was forced to take her own life in the end to evoke her powers of self-destruction. The explosion that came with her death was enough to destroy an entire wing of Dracula's Castle, and (almost) all the night creatures within, sending out shock waves over the land for miles. However, considering that Isaac survived the blast with the help of the mighty Abel, Dracula would probably have also walked away if Carmilla had used that attack on him. The best chance the vampiress had at defeating her King would have been with the aid of her Council of Sisters, particularly the battle-ready Striga. Most Castlevania fans, however, are in agreement that Carmilla would not be victorious if she took on the Vampire King alone.

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