Castlevania is a Netflix anime series made outside Japan but based on the long-running Japanese game franchise of the same name. The story begins with the tale of a powerful vampire named Dracula Vlad Țepeș, who eventually comes to loathe humans after his beloved wife was burned at the stake by her kind. As a result, Dracula mounts a relentless assault on the people of Wallachia and plunges the land into a state of chaos.

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Later on, a group of warriors bands together to halt the vampire’s reign of terror and eliminate him once and for all. This results in an all-out battle between the forces of good and evil, involving many powerful beings with widely varying backgrounds. The list below features the strongest characters in the animated series, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

10 Ratko


Ratko is a vampire who has lived for at least three centuries. He is a war expert with an amazing talent for killing and takes great pride in his skills. He worked together with a fellow vampire named Varney to resurrect Dracula. However, his main aim as a member of the partnership was to find the underground court.

Ratko made his first appearance relatively late in the series, but in that short time, he displayed his proficiency in combat greatly. He effortlessly overpowered most of the opponents he came across and even got the better of Trevor Belmont in a swordfight, though granted, the latter was greatly fatigued.

9 Striga


Striga is an honorable vampire warrior who also belongs to the Council of Sisters; a group of four powerful female vampires who rule over the region of Styria. She is the member responsible for leading the Styrian army and is also a shrewd military tactician.

As the sister tasked with handling military affairs, she is also an extremely powerful fighter. She is recognized as Styria's greatest warrior and has been seen cleaving through multiple opponents with ease. Furthermore, she possesses a unique armor that protects her from sunlight, making her one of the few vampires capable of fighting in broad daylight.

8 Isaac

isaac using his powers

Isaac is one of the most powerful humans in the series. He was originally a slave who, after being badly mistreated, brutally murdered his owner. Later on, he ended up serving under Dracula with unwavering loyalty and embarked on a quest for revenge after the demise of his master.

Despite being a human, Isaac was able to overpower one of Dracula's vampire generals, Godbrand, relatively easily and even drove Carmilla, the Queen of Styria, to suicide. He has superhuman strength and is extremely skilled in combat, as shown when he could match Carmilla's speed and power. Furthermore, he can convert corpses into night creatures to do his bidding, greatly increasing his threat level.

7 Sypha Belnades

sypha using her ice powers

Sypha is the second human on this list and also boasts an impressive amount of power. She is labeled a scholar and is highly intelligent, but she also possesses extremely strong magic. She can generate vast amounts of force with any of fire, ice, wind, or electricity, making her the strongest mage in the series.

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Sypha is powerful enough to take on and defeat many powerful creatures on her own. She plays an important role in the partnership with Trevor and Alucard and has vanquished many vampire generals while fighting with her companions. In the battle against Dracula, she also put up a great fight, with the legendary vampire even deciding to take special note of her.

6 Dragan

dragan from castlevania

Dragan is an extremely powerful vampire lord, and his main motive since his introduction was the resurrection of Dracula. Following Dracula’s death, Dragan seemingly takes control of his vampire army and is seen commanding multiple troops and creatures in the assault on Dracula’s castle.

Despite being ordered around by the mysterious Saint Germain, in combat, Dragan has shown to be one of the more powerful beings in the series. He held his own against a combined force of Trevor, Alucard, and Sypha, and was only defeated after an attack that combined the strengths of both Sypha’s fire magic and Alucard‘s sword.

5 Trevor Belmont

trevor looking angry

Trevor Belmont is the main character of the show and the last son of the house of Belmont; a family of skilled monster hunters that was excommunicated on suspicion of harnessing the power of black magic. He is introduced as a mysterious drunk, but as the story progresses, he gradually regains his composure and reaffirms his identity as a talented monster hunter.

Trevor is extremely strong and can hold his own against superhuman creatures without possessing any supernatural powers of his own. Furthermore, he is even stronger when armed and has shown significant proficiency with multiple weapons. His main weapon of choice is the Morningstar, a whip powerful enough to bring Dracula to his knees with a single strike. His most impressive feat, though, is defeating death itself, using a special dagger to eliminate the primordial being.

4 Carmilla

Carmilla Queen of Styria Castlevania

Carmilla is the leader of the Council of Sisters and is also commonly known as the Queen of Styria. She originally served as one of Dracula’s vampire generals. However, after his demise, she returned to Styria and began plotting to expand her territory and enslave a large number of humans. Furthermore, she is extremely cunning and scheming, as implied by her great ambition.

As the leader of the Council of Sisters, Carmilla is also tremendously powerful. She possesses incredible strength, allowing her to overpower strong characters like Godbrand and Abel with relative ease. In addition, she is astoundingly fast, emitting sparks of lightning when she reaches top speed. During her battle with Isaac, she decides to end her own life due to her pride, but even then, the resulting explosion from her death was enough to wipe out many of Isaac’s night creatures.

3 Alucard


Alucard is the half-breed son of Dracula and Lisa, possessing the powerful abilities of a vampire but also being able to roam under the sun like a regular human comfortably. He is first referenced in the series as "the sleeping soldier," a title that was given to him after he assumed a dormant state following an altercation with his father. He is later found by Sypha and Trevor, going on to aid them in their quest to slay Dracula.

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Alucard's first show of strength occurred shortly after his introduction, overpowering both Sypha and Trevor, nearly even killing the latter. He possesses all the regular strengths of a vampire and is a skilled swordsman with exceptional intelligence. He was ultimately responsible for the death of Dracula, dealing fatal damage to his father, though only after Dracula was overwhelmed after realizing what he had become.

2 Death

death and trevor about to fight

Death is an existence that has been around since the beginning of time, but during the events of the series, it assumed the forms of both Varney and the Alchemist. Like many other characters after the demise of Dracula, his main goal was to revive the Vampire King. To that end, he manipulated multiple individuals and served as the overarching villain of the fourth season.

Death is extremely powerful, and though he only displayed his true power in the final battle against Trevor, he proved to be a formidable foe. He boasted a massive frame and was able to send the monster hunter flying solely using his hands. In addition, he could cleanly slice through massive structures and was impervious to most forms of damage. However, he was ultimately beaten by a special dagger which was said to be capable of waging war against God.

1 Dracula

Dracula Vlad Țepeș is the most powerful vampire in the world of Castlevania. He served as the leader of his kind, owning a massive castle and commanding multiple mighty generals. He was originally known for ruthlessly punishing only those who crossed him. However, after the murder of his wife under the wrongful accusation of being a witch, he mounted an indiscriminate assault on the whole of Wallachia.

Dracula has many abilities, with strength far surpassing that of regular vampires. He has stated that he is immune to most common vampire weaknesses and does not depend on blood as much as the many others of his race. Despite not drinking blood for several months, he was able to overpower Alucard and force him into a state of rest for at least a year. Even in the later battles against the series’ main trio, he was able to significantly overpower them, only being killed because he allowed it.

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