Castlevania is a horror series franchise that tells the tales of the never-ending battle between humans, vampires, and other creatures of the dark. Among these humans is the Belmont Clan, a family dedicated to fighting and killing vampires. These vampires are constantly trying to destroy humanity but have failed over the course of the years, thanks to the Belmont clan and other humans.

6 Best Castlevania Clones, Ranked

Castlevania is an infamous franchise that has inspired some truly remarkable games, including these exceptional clones.

With the vampires upgrading over the years by learning how to properly attack and, even worse, use magical spells, the humans are in for quite a battle. Nonetheless, there are weapons that make it easier and faster to kill a vampire or any other opponent. These weapons appear in most of the Castlevania video games and anime.

8 Camilla’s Curved Blade

Camilla’s preparing to attack

Camilla shows great and immaculate strength in Castlevania season four. This lady in red is quite fashionable, rocking a red dress with long red nails, but underneath her fashion and style is a very dangerous swordswoman.

Her crimson-curved blade does not have magical power, but Camilla’s strength is enough to power the sword, making it a powerful weapon in her hands. Against a magical weapon, Camilla and her blade stand fiercely, proving to be a worthy opponent, but she ultimately faces defeat when Isaac gets back up.

7 Vampire Killer

castlevania netflix vampire killer

This holy weapon plays a crucial role in the Castlevania franchise, as its sole purpose is to kill vampires and other creatures of the dark, like demons. This whip belongs to the Belmont Clan, and only a Belmont can use it because of their blood ties with the weapon. Richter Belmont, in the newly released Castlevania: Nocturne series on Netflix, uses a Vampire Killer.

Castlevania: Nocturne Review

The follow-up to Netflix's best video game adaptation maintains its standard of quality with some of the best animated action-horror of the era.

Just like the name implies, it has the ability to kill vampires, and it can also act as a conduit for magic. This bundle of leather looks quite simple and somewhat questionable, but it is powerful in the hands of a Belmont, and it is remarkably known to have killed quite a number of vampires, including the famous vampire Dracula, whom Trevor Belmont killed in 1476.

6 Morning Star

Morning Star held by Belmont

Just from the looks of it, the Morning Star whip is an aggressive weapon that is sure to inflict lethal harm on whomever it comes into contact with. This weapon is a chain whip with spikes at the end, and it contains magical powers that let it light up and make whatever creature around it burn to ashes.

This whip happens to be an upgraded version of the vampire killer whip, and it belongs to Trevor Belmont. Trevor definitely had fun with this whip in the Castlevania series, and the only disadvantage of this weapon is its length, as it makes it more suitable for long-range combat.

5 Alucard’s Sword

Alucard’s Sword

It is only fitting that the son of Dracula has in his possession one of the most powerful weapons in the Castlevania franchise. Alucard’s sword may look like an average sword, but one of the most notable features of this sword is its ability to fly.

Not only can this sword fly, but it also acts like a right-hand man to Alucard, always waiting for his command before it can spring into action to fight alongside Alucard or, better yet, to rescue him from a tricky situation. Once Alucard summons his sword, it stands proudly beside him, ready to precisely carry out his orders.

4 Crissaegrim


This weapon is the fairest of all weapons in the Castlevania franchise, especially in the Symphony of the Night game. It is quite difficult to obtain in the game, but once it is, it gives the player controlling Alucard an edge over the opposition.

10 Games To Play If You Miss CastleVania: Symphony Of The Night

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a hugely well-remembered and well-loved game that many more modern games have copied in a variety of ways.

This powerful sword is swift when in use, and it gives the illusion of multiple swords attacking at once. The speed of this sword catches its enemy off guard and leaves no space for the enemy to recover from one attack as the Crissaegrim strikes while the user is in motion, and every swing equals four attacks.

3 Ascalon

Ascalon Castlevania

Humans are not the only ones who wield amazing and powerful weapons, and vampires are definitely not left out of the fun. Ascalon is a powerful sword that can slay dragons. This sword in the Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow game belongs to Soma Cruz, a reincarnation of the powerful vampire Dracula.

The Ascalon sword appears in the Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and the Castlevania: Harmony of Despair video games, and although the appearance of the sword might vary, it still retains its remarkable strength and high value.

2 Masamune


The Masamune sword appears in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Dawn of Sorrow, Encore of the Night, and Harmony of Despair. It is a very powerful sword that grants its user invisibility. The sword and users of the sword differ in the various games, but the strength still remains.

One of the special moves of the Masamune sword is the Warp Forward Strike. Just like the name implies, the wielder of the Masamune sword has the ability to warp a short distance in order to attack an opponent facing him (the user). Each attack a wielder makes with this ability equals two hits.

1 Death's Scythe

Death's Scythe Castlevania

This Death’s Scythe appears in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Curse of Darkness, and Harmony of Despair video games, and in all these games, it is usually one of the most powerful weapons.

The Death’s Scythe is mainly in the hands of Death, but in cases where it is not, it is either with Hector or Soma Cruz. Hector is a user because he is successfully able to forge this weapon, a task that others have engaged in but have failed and lost their lives in the process.

MORE: The Coolest Fights In Castlevania: Nocturne