The Behemoth Tease Next Project

While many gamers like to point at Valve and poke fun at their “release it when it’s ready” mentality, many forget that the indie world has its own perpetrator of this mentality. The Behemoth is, just as their name implies, a behemoth in the indie scene with superb releases like Castle Crashers, but it’s hard to deny that the wait between titles can border on excruciating. It is then with bittersweet joy that the developer has announced work on its next project.

Announced at PAX East alongside the announcement of a PAX South next year, developer The Behemoth - famed for indie classic Alien Hominid and recent multiplayer title BattleBlock Theater - is currently working on its fourth title which will be finding its livelihood on the Xbox One. While it's unlikely that gamers will get a chance to see the game in motion for a little while longer, it will supposedly be playable before year's end with more information becoming present at conventions throughout the year.

Not content to simply tease gamers with the vaguest of vague information, Destructoid posted the following art from what can be presumed to be The Behemoth's next title, particularly due to the ominous "Game 4?" text. Characterized by their unique art style and dark humor, the game's first revealed piece of art takes the dark side of things and runs with it.

While it definitely highlights The Behemoth's signature quirky style, the tone this time around is much darker than in the past. That is, it's only dark if you consider what seems to be a cupcake with a catapult backpack riding a spider-like woman with knee-high socks dark. It's quirky, morbid, dark, confusing and everything one could expect from a release from The Behemoth.

Sporting a far more muted color palette than their past titles with Castle Crasherswearing pink with pride for Breast Cancer research, this could very well mark a departure from their more light-hearted titles into something darker. Regardless of speculation of what it could become though, it's hard to deny the fact that the announcement of a new game from The Behemoth is big news in the indie game world. Their releases may not come very frequently, but when they do arrive, they're always worth their weight in digital currency.

Do you think The Behemoth's fourth title will be a markedly darker experience? What genre would you like to see them tackle with it?


Follow Ryan on Twitter @ThatRyanB.

Source: Destructoid