There are 14 elemental types in Cassette Beasts, and it is important to have at least a basic understanding of how they interact with one another. However, with so many different elemental types in the game, it can be quite difficult to keep track of every single interaction. This difficulty may lead some JRPG fans to search for a Cassette Beasts type chart that they can easily reference, and that is exactly what can be found in this guide.

To note, there is an in-game elemental type chart that players can view at any time, including while they are in battle. To obtain this Cassette Beasts chart, fans of monster collecting video games must simply read the Ranger Handbook that Kayleigh provides near the beginning of the game, and it can be accessed during a fight by selecting Item and then navigating to the Misc. tab.

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Cassette Beasts: Elemental Type Chart

cassette beasts type chart
















Debuff: Glass Shards x3

Transmutation: Beast Coating x3


Buff: AP Boost x3

Debuffs: Melee Attack Down x3, Ranged Attack Down x3

Buff: Multitarget x3

Debuff: AP Drain x3

Debuff: Resonance x1

Transmutation: Air Coating x3


Debuff: AP Drain x3

Buff: AP Boost x3

Debuff: AP Drain x3

Debuff: AP Drain x3

Debuff: AP Drain x3

Transmutation: Astral Coating x3


Buff: AP Boost x3

Debuffs: Melee Attack Down x3, Ranged Attack Down x3

Debuff: Unitarget x3

Debuffs: Evasion Down x3, Speed Down x3

Transmutation: Earth Coating x3


Buff: Air Wall x2

Buff: AP Boost x3

Transmutation: Water Coating x3

Debuff: Burned x3

Debuff: Burned x3

Transmutation: Poison Coating x3

Debuff: Burned x3

Buff: Healing Steam x3

Transmutation: Fire Coating x3


Debuff: Accuracy Down x3

Buff: Multitarget x3

Transmutation: Ice Coating x3, Flinched x1

Transmutation: Ice Coating x3


Debuff: Conductive x3

Transmutation: Glass Coating x3

Debuff: Conductive x3

Debuff: Conductive x3

Buff: Contact Dmg x3

Debuff: Conductive x3

Transmutation: Lightning Coating x3


Debuff: Berserk x3

Debuffs: Melee Defense Down x3, Ranged Defense Down x3

Debuffs: Melee Defense Down x3, Ranged Defense Down x3

Buff: Multitarget x3

Debuff: Glass Shards x3

Transmutation: Metal Coating x3


Debuff: Leeched x3

Buff: Evasion Up x3

Debuff: Unitarget x3

Buff: Melee Attack Up x3, Ranged Attack Up x3

Debuff: Leeched x3

Transmutation: Plant Coating x3


Debuff: AP Drain x3

Buff: Evasion Up x3

Debuff: Unitarget x3

Transmutation: Plastic Coating x3


Debuff: Berserk x3

Buff: Contact Dmg x3

Buff: AP Boost x3

Buff: Contact Dmg x3

Debuff: Poisoned x3

Transmutation: Poison Coating x3


Buff: AP Boost x3

Debuffs: Melee Defense Down x3, Ranged Defense Down x3

Debuffs: Melee Attack Down x3, Ranged Attack Down x3

Buff: Melee Defense Up x3, Ranged Defense Up x3

Buff: Multitarget x3

Debuffs: Melee Defense Down x3, Ranged Defense Down x3

Buff: Healing Leaf x3

Transmutation: Water Coating x3


Debuff: Unitarget x3

Transmutation: Glass Coating x3


Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

Transmutation: Glitter Coating x3

To provide some additional clarity on how these charts are to be read, the elements on the top indicate the defending monster's type, and the elements on the left indicate the move type. To attempt to concretize that idea with an example, using a Fire-type move on an Air-type monster will give the defending creature a buff (green), while using an Air-type move on a Fire-type monster will give the defending creature a debuff (red). Notably, a move that creates a debuff does not deal increased damage, and a move that creates a buff does not deal decreased damage in this Pokemon-like game.

One final thing to mention is that simply knowing whether an attack will generate a buff or debuff is often enough to overcome a foe, and the top chart alone provides all that information. However, players that really want to master Cassette Beasts' combat system should try to use the second chart in order to create debuffs that give them the greatest advantage. Additionally, these open-world RPG fans should work on incorporating transmutations (yellow) into their battles to alter their opponents' types and push their edge even further.

Cassette Beasts is available now on PC.

MORE: Cassette Beasts: How to Co-Op