March was a big month for the Mass Effect franchise, as many fans celebrated the 10-year anniversary of Mass Effect 3 and the 5-year anniversary of Mass Effect: Andromeda. These games were made by hundreds of developers at BioWare, but when it comes to the original trilogy, many know the name of Casey Hudson—the games’ director.

Hudson departed BioWare back in 2014 and joined Microsoft’s video game production wing as creative director; however, he would eventually return to BioWare in 2017 to help the studio tackle Anthem, as well as other new projects. He would depart again in December 2020, alongside then-Dragon Age 4 producer Mark Darrah, and go on to announce his new studio, Humanoid Studios, in June 2021.

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At the time of this announcement, it was really only clear that Humanoid Studios was being billed as an independent studio and was working on new IP. Humanoid Studios’ website has been updated, with the developer shedding more light on this IP, and it confirms that it is working on a “multiplatform AAA game, focusing on character-driven narrative in an all-new science-fiction universe.”

mass effect casey hudson

Without a doubt, a new Sci-Fi universe is right up Casey Hudson’s alley as, in a way, Mass Effect has always been his baby. It’ll likely be some time before fans learn more of this Sci-Fi universe, but more legitimate Sci-Fi games in the AAA space is certainly welcome. The rest of the site details a few things about Humanoid, such as offices in British Colombia and Alberta with a flexible work environment (remote/in-office work).

According to VGC, Humanoid Studios has 17 employees listed on its LinkedIn and is currently recruiting for 14 open roles. Humanoid Studios is focusing on “small, agile teams” and a “flat organizational structure” where every voice is empowered. Overall, Humanoid’s studio mission is stated as "Delivering magical interactive storytelling, by connecting talented creatives to powerful tools, in a safe and supportive environment.”

Of course, in the meantime, there are many upcoming Sci-Fi games that may have fans’ contemporary attention. Starfield launches later this year, and Bethesda has recently discussed its companions, factions, dialogue systems, and more. Mass Effect 4, seemingly combining the story of the Mass Effect trilogy and Andromeda, is also further out on the horizon. Ultimately, it’ll be interesting to see how Humanoid’s game stacks up to its contemporaries, as well as past Sci-Fi games, but all fans can do now is wait.

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Source: VGC