Carrion is a game in which a horrific flesh-blob stalks hardened mercenaries through the dank tunnels of an underground research facility. Fortunately, that monster is the player, and they must crush, spike, shred, and devour enough people to escape their subterranean prison. That's right, the protagonist of Carrion is a red, amorphous, tentacle monster, and all it wants is its freedom.

The scientists and soldiers of the facility have other ideas, however, and will do everything they can to prevent the beast from leaving. This means blast doors, laser-tripwires, and even minigun-toting security mechs. What is a poor monstrosity supposed to do in the face of these odds? Well, even them with a range of special powers of course. Switching between these abilities is the key to overtaking the facility's defenses, and here's how to do it.

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The Crimson Terror

As an amorphous tentacle blob, Carrion's monster is extremely flexible. This allows it to scoot through tiny ducts and ambush unsuspecting, and tasty, humans. It's also how the monster can change its powers, unlocking different abilities to deal with different situations.

Small Monster: The smallest size category is the most stealthy, and has powers to both avoid detection and snare enemies

  • Arachnoptysis: Shoot cobwebs to trap enemies or interact with objects.
  • Photokinesis: Turn invisible for a short time and get past lasers.

Medium Monster: The middling size category has more brute strength than the smallest, and also allows it to defend itself more easily.

  • Xiphorrhea: Smash through vent covers, wooden walls, and enemies.
  • Acanthosis: Grow hundreds of deadly keratin spikes that can make light work of most enemies.

Large Monster: The largest size category is the least maneuverable but by far the toughest.

  • Harpagorrhea: Send out harpoons to pull objects and enemies into close range.
  • Keratosis: Harden the outer flesh to completely negate damage from explosions and bullets.
carrion review

Void and Devour

New powers and sizes will unlock as the player progresses through Carrion, but it's always possible to decrease in size too. Slithering into a red pool of water will allow the monster to release biomass and shrink, all the way back to the smallest size.

To grow again, simply find some tasty humans to devour, or return to that same pool and reabsorb the discarded biomass. Switching between monster sizes is a key game mechanic, and no single one will be able to get through the entire thing. Therefore, players should try and make sure that they're always a perfectly-sized terrifying blob monster for whatever the current situation is.

Carrion is out now for PC, Switch, and Xbox One.

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