Something about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tends to bring out people's artistic side. From Raf Grassetti's more realistic takes on the characters to Animal Crossing costumes of the roster, there are many takes on the fighters and their styles.

One fan favorite who has been the center of attention since his debut is Captain Falcon. A staple of the series since long before Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Captain Falcon has become a dependable, fast, powerful character. While he is a Smash staple, Captain Falcon has not seen any new representation outside the series in some time. Fans still wonder to this day if there will ever be another F-Zero property in any medium ever again.

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Since no new F-Zero ideas are forthcoming from Nintendo, fans have come up with their own ideas. At this point a reboot of the series seems unlikely, but it's fun to imagine a live action reboot. When speculating who would play Captain Falcon, there is a strong case to be made for John Cena. Artist Jackson Casperz created some pieces depicting Cena as Captain Falcon, and it works very well, both with and without the helmet.

Click here to see John Cena as Captain Falcon.

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The casting makes sense for several reasons. For one, this is not the first time a wrestler has appeared as Captain Falcon, with Brandon Cutler's Captain Falcon cosplay setting the precedent. The huge persona necessary for wrestling would also translate perfectly into the ludicrous world of F-Zero's racing. These traits would also be perfect for the Captain's personality. Last but not least, John Cena's prior experience in the Fast & Furious series make him a good choice for an action racing movie.

This is not the first time that the iconic wrestler has been crossed over with video games. In an official, rather than fan-made crossover, John Cena entered Brawlhalla alongside several other WWE stars. Brawlhalla is itself a Smash-like, placing Cena and Captain Falcon another half-step closer. At this point it might make sense for him to be cast as Falcon even if it was a Smash adaptation being made, not just F-Zero.

Of course, any such film would have to get in line if rumors are to be believed. Supposedly, John Cena may be attatched to a Doom film rumored to be in the works. Could there be more acting work for this wrestler in video game films? If there is, hopefully those films buck the video game movie curse.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available for the Nintendo Switch.

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