Marvel's animated series, What If...? gave Peggy Carter a new voice in its debut episode. For some Marvel fans, one episode of Captain Carter just wasn't enough. One Captain Carter advocate designed a fan-made poster that reimagined a film that many consider one of the MCU's better films. In the world of Captain Carter, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has been reimagined as Captain Carter: The Serpent Society.

The poster, made by Reddit user "drksdr," uploaded the infamous Captain America poster with a few key alterations. In the center is Peggy Carter in the Captain Carter uniform that was gifted to her by Howard Stark in What If...?  In the distance, instead of the menacing face of the Winter Soldier, is the Hydra Stomper suit Steve Rogers wore in the first episode of What If...? Notably, the poster still features Alexander Pierce, Black Widow, and Nick Fury, who all played a key role in the original Captain America: The Winter Soldier film.

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With episode one of What If...? ending with Peggy Carter and Nick Fury meeting for the first time much like Steve and Fury did in The First Avenger, a Captain Carter sequel isn't impossible. Captain Carter stopped many Hydra ploys and successfully obtained the tesseract, a weapon Hydra desperately sought out. With the emphasis on Hydra in The Winter Soldier, especially through the inclusion of Alexander Pierce, he and Captain Carter would certainly run into a number of issues.

The reimagined poster does pose a very important question: who is the Hydra Stomper? In What If...? Steve Rogers wore the suit and helped Captain Carter and the Howling Commandos. As any avid Marvel consumer knows, the surprise in The Winter Soldier was that Steve's best friend Bucky Barnes survived the fall from a moving train nearly 70 years ago. Not only had Bucky survived, but he had been experimented on by Hydra and used to carry out a number of heinous crimes. Aware of the relationship between the two, Pierce struggled to use it to his advantage. If Steve is somehow still the Hydra Stomper in this fan poster, it's certainly possible that Peggy seeing Steve again would evoke the same reaction as Steve and Bucky from The Winter Soldier.

Captain Carter: The Serpent Society would have a number of gaps that would require further elaboration. Prior to his sequel, Captain America had one stand-alone film and appearances in other Marvel movies including The Avengers to move his story along. All Captain Carter has had up until this point is the roughly 30 minute What If...? episode. While it has its technicalities, a Captain Carter sequel is a pretty cool thing to imagine.

The first episode of What If...? is now streaming on Disney+.

MORE: What If...?: The Biggest Issue With Captain Carter

Source: drksdr|Reddit