Four Hours of Cutscenes in Resident Evil 6

Capcom has some big hopes for their upcoming slate of 2012 and early 2013 games, which includes Resident Evil 6 and the contentious reboot of Devil May Cry. Over on Capcom's financial site the publisher revealed their projections for RE 6, DmC, Dragon's Dogma, and next year's Lost Planet 3.

It's only been about three weeks since word regarding Lost Planet 3 got out, but apparently Capcom expects big things out of Spark Unlimited's foray with the franchise. They project that the icy sequel will reel in about 1.4 million copies.

As for Dragon's Dogma, the action RPG that is making waves not just for coming with a Resident Evil 6demo, Capcom seems to believe it will sell about 1.2 million copies, just a few 100,000 short of Lost Planet. Our experience with game thus far, through events and whatnot, has shown a pretty unique take on the genre, and could be a breakout hit for Capcom.

Despite fan backlash over the character redesign of protagonist Dante, Capcom is still remaining optimistic with their estimates for Devil May Cry, or as it is better known DmC. Developer Ninja Theory's pedigree and fan allegiance to the franchise should keep the game in the black with around 2 million copies sold.

And then there's Resident Evil 6, Capcom's big money maker for 2012. Looking big picture, Capcom expects Resident Evil 6, which unites former protagonists Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy for a global affair, to sell 7 million copies. Capcom has already made it clear that they are looking to do some new things with the franchise, namely make it more mainstream and approachable, and these sales numbers certainly reflect that.

With a slate of highly anticipated titles to look forward to in 2012 and beyond it's going to be a very good year for Capcom. Resident Evil 6 might be the elephant in the room, but they are still a few other titles worth checking out.

Aside from Resident Evil 6, which of Capcom's upcoming releases are you most excited about picking up? Do you think Capcom is reaching with any of their projections?

Source: Capcom (via Joystiq)