Capcom has released the updated sales numbers for its biggest franchises, and it's not very surprising to see that Resident Evil and Monster Hunter games sit at the very pinnacle of the list. Over the past couple of years, the Japanese publisher has seen substantial success with its RE remakes and the newer MH games specifically, and the company's move to more substantially support PC as a gaming platform has been paying off as well.

Though it's already been announced that Capcom expects to break sales records by March, the publisher hadn't provided a concrete sales breakdown at first, leading some to theorize about just how successful the company has been. Now, however, Capcom's corporate website has been updated with a fairly comprehensive summary of just how well its intellectual properties have been doing.

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Specifically, it seems that Monster Hunter: World is Capcom's most successful game release to date, boasting an impressive 18.6 million copies sold on PS4 and Xbox One consoles, as well as PC. The runner-up is also an MH title, Rise, with 11.7 million copies sold on the Nintendo Switch and PC. Resident Evil 7 sits at the third spot with another 11.7 million sales, and the Resident Evil 2 remake takes the fourth spot with an equally grand 11.2 million sales.


While much of the provided list seems in line with broader expectations, it may be surprising to some that the widely acclaimed Resident Evil Village hasn't moved more than 7.4 million copies across all platforms. As it currently stands, its immediate predecessor is almost twice as successful, with the older RE5 and RE6 entries outperforming it as well. Still, it did outperform both Devil May Cry 5 and Street Fighter 5, and the figures are clearly more than acceptable for Capcom, considering the company's overall positive outlook.

Though a huge portion of Capcom's legacy game collection has aged rather well, it's not overly surprising to see Monster Hunter and Resident Evil dominate the company's top-selling list. Each of the two franchises is a powerhouse in and of itself, and it's unlikely that any of Capcom's other IPs would be able to overtake them sales-wise anytime soon.

It's a good thing, too, that Capcom hasn't been afraid to experiment with these two IPs. In fact, everything points to Resident Evil 9 being a very different game from any of its predecessors, while the Resident Evil 4 remake will probably appeal more strongly to both franchise veterans and newcomers. It seems like Capcom's got all its bases covered for the time being, which is good news for fans of its properties in the grand scheme of things.

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Source: Capcom