Capcom is one of the game developers fans are excited to hear more from this summer. Whether it's at the PS5 "The Future of Gaming" event Thursday afternoon or later, Capcom is expected to have something for fans to look forward to. A hint at what that might be just dropped in the form of a Capcom trademark discovered in February for the title Pragmata.

Whether Pragmata will make an appearance soon or not is unknown, but industry insider Daniel Ahmad seems to think it's worth bringing up again. Ahmad retweeted the trademark ahead of Sony's PS5 event, saying, "Retweeting this for no reason." Ahmad could seriously be joking, as he's known for such trolls, or it could hint at a forthcoming surprise announcement.

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As for what Pragmata is, no one knows. The Dictionary of Spiritual Terms describes pragmata as "transcendent realities, noetic entities, real beings." It sounds like it'd be a great title, or subtitle, for a horror game. But for now, Capcom has made no announcement regarding Pragmata. There are no known leaks for the game, if it is a game, either.

Capcom is rumored to be working on several horror games. Resident Evil 8 is one of those rumored games, as is Resident Evil: Code Veronica. It's possible that Capcom could add Pragmata as a subtitle for either of those games, but it seems unlikely since a subtitle is definitely not required to make those games appealing to fans. Perhaps Capcom has another game in the works, or an original IP of some sort.

If Capcom shows up at today's PS5 game reveal event and announces a game named Pragmata, it'll prove to be a great late leak by Ahmad. If not, perhaps it'll prove to be something down the line. Perhaps Capcom will save the announcement for later, or perhaps it's not attached to any current project and Capcom just took the opportunity to trademark a cool-sounding name. Either way, it's exciting to consider.

Fans will hopefully hear more about Pragmata, whatever it may be, soon.

MORE: Why the PS5 Reveal Event Could Be Huge for Horror Fans