Capcom has had a busy 2021 with multiple game releases and updates for its many properties. Recently, Capcom released an Integrated report that highlighted some of its games and the updates it has planned such as a Resident Evil Village DLC. The report also mentioned Pragmata, a new IP from Capcom.

Pragmata was announced back in 2020 during the PlayStation 5 reveal event as a next-gen title. There isn’t a whole lot known about the game besides what was shown in the trailer that hinted the title will focus on two characters, a little girl and someone wearing an astronaut outfit. It’s a mysterious sci-fi action-adventure game that hasn’t had many announcements until the recent Capcom report.

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In the report, Capcom states that Pragmata is making steady progress in its development. Additionally, it appears as though Capcom might be ramping up on developers for Pragmata. Capcom shared that it will hire more than 100 new “graduates” and “seasoned mid-career professionals” to aid in Capcom’s growth along with helping create new IPs such as Pragmata. Interestingly enough, it looks as though the new sci-fi IP might have a lot of fresh blood working on it as Capcom has also stated that newly hired employees will be given hands-on experience on titles such as Pragmata.

The last time Capcom shared information on the new IP was back in January 2021. Originally announced to be coming out in 2022, it was revealed that Pragmata will be delayed until sometime in 2023 during a PlayStation 5 sizzle reel. With Capcom sharing that Pragmata is making steady progress, and the ramping up of developers, it looks as though 2023 will actually be the release date for the game.

Still, it’s far too early to tell how the project will turn out. It’s promising to hear that steady progress is being made though as no news on Pragmata was starting to worry fans that the title might end up being scrapped or disappear like Deep Down. Thankfully that’s the not case and even though Pragmata won't be releasing next year, Capcom still has numerous titles and updates planned for 2022.

Funny enough, Pragmata isn’t the only PlayStation 5 title revealed during the 2020 event that hasn’t been released yet. Although a trailer for Little Devil Inside was revealed a couple of days ago that explained some of the mechanics of the game further, the title still doesn’t have a release date. Additionally, while Stray had a trailer a couple of months ago the game doesn’t have a definitive release date, instead, saying it will release in early 2022. Hopefully, these PlayStation 5 titles receive no further delays.

Pragmata is currently in development for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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