Capcom is a studio that is beloved by many within the gaming community, whose award-winning game franchises are even more beloved. For the last several years now, Capcom has found consistent success in nearly every major title the company has released. The sales records of the company's first-quarter are in and are extremely impressive, to say the least.

Starting in early 2017 with the release of Resident Evil 7, Capcom started to see a lot more mainstream success compared to the beginning of the 2010s. From that point onward, nearly every new installment in each of the company's respective franchises has received a great deal of popularity and success. Though, during the first quarter of 2020, that popularity reached unseen financial heights because of the global pandemic.

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In the last few months, COVID-19 has impacted the video game industry in ways that no one could have predicted. With the majority of people stuck in their homes for several months, most turned to video games as a way of passing the time. This has caused gaming stocks to rise exponentially, and Capcom is no exception to this.

The profit and revenue Capcom gained during the first quarter period of 2020 is the highest the company has ever seen. Considering that the first quarter period occurs between the months of March and June, the period in time where COVID-19 impacted people the most, Capcom saw a massive boost in sales. This was largely owed to such titles as Monster Hunter World and the remakes of Resident Evil 2 and, to a lesser extent, Resident Evil 3. Overall, the company's operating income increased by 39.1% year-over-year and net sales increased by 32.2%.


Though, for how much financial success Capcom received, it wasn't all good news. The company's revenue from arcade operations was down more than 50% from last year due to the closure of non-essential businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, some arcades have successfully managed to stay afloat during this crisis, but it hasn't been easy for most.

In any case, Capcom has continued to deliver excellent, high-quality experiences for everyone in the gaming community. From Resident Evil remakes to Devil May Cry 5 to Monster Hunter, nearly everything Capcom has put out within the last three years has been absolutely stellar. There seems to be practically no end to the level of success that Capcom has achieved. With the release of Resident Evil 8 in the coming months, one can only hope that Capcom continues to deliver and provide excellent titles for people to enjoy.

MORE: Rumor: Marvel vs. Capcom 4 and Street Fighter 6 in Development

Source: Gamespot