Along with titles like Lycoris Recoil and the new Overlord, Call of the Night is one of the hit anime for Summer 2022. It is a coming of age story involving vampires, action, and comedy. It used our familiarity with vampire stories and built a unique and interesting story around it. And from what we’ve seen thus far, every episode is a winner.

They also used the same formula for the vampires themselves. The beautiful vampires in the series used a combination of some familiar elements that we’ve already known about the creatures, and there are also some unique aspects that only the vampires in this series have. So let’s take a deeper look into the powers of vampires in Call of the Night.

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Enhanced Senses And Physical Powers

Call of the Night Nanakusa

The first power that the vampires in Call of the Night possess is one that is familiar to every other iteration of vampires in Pop Culture, which is enhanced senses, particularly eyes and ears, and increased physical powers.

Nanakusa and her fellow vampires have incredibly heightened senses that allow them to hear and see anything even if it happens tens of kilometers away from them. However, it seems that they need to really concentrate in order to use this ability to its utmost limit. In casual, everyday life, their audiovisual capabilities are simply a couple of times better than a regular human.

Another perk of being a vampire is an increase in physical powers. This one is pretty straightforward, this simply means their punches can break a wall, and they can leap higher than a five-story building in one jump. Increased physical powers also means their body is much more durable than the average human. They can fall off a building and only suffer some minor scratches and bruises.

Flight And Regenerative Ability

Call of the Night Nanakusa Yamori fly

The next power is also quite common to most vampires that we’ve seen in other stories throughout the years, which is flight and regenerative ability. As the name suggests, flight ability allows them to fly over great distances. That being said, not all vampires seem to master this ability, and even among those who can, they mostly just hover above the ground.

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As for regenerative ability, every vampire and their servants has this ability. As a matter of fact, this is basically one of their most overpowered abilities within their arsenal. They can heal serious injuries, reattach severed limbs, and even survive a shot in the head. One thing worth mentioning, however, different vampires have different rates of regenerative ability. That’s why some vampires can regenerate faster than others.

Charm And Phasing Through Objects

Call of the Night Nanakusa Yamori Flirt

This is the part where the vampires in Call of the Night began to showcase the powers that make them different from other vampires. Let’s begin with the power to phase through objects first, otherwise known as intangibility.

As the name suggests, this power allows vampires to phase through solid objects, such as walls or even human bodies. This is one of the most versatile abilities in their arsenal. It can be used as an offensive weapon, such as by directly grabbing their opponents hearts. It can be used as a defensive weapon, such as letting punches or other attacks phase through their body. It can also be used to move faster, such as by going through buildings rather than jumping over it. That being said, this is an ability that has to be learned and practiced. That is why even though every vampire has the innate ability to use this power, most of them are not able to. Some don’t even know that this ability exists.

Next is charm. This is the ability that most vampires use in order to lure their prey, which is human, into their sharp fangs. A vampire can charm their victims into being so infatuated with them to the point of the victim willingly giving their blood to the vampires. This is also one of their most dangerous abilities because the victims do not even realize that they’ve been charmed. They think everything that they do is because they love the vampire. One thing worth mentioning, however, is the fact that while there are malicious vampires out there who purposely charmed their victims in order to torture and play around with them, some vampires simply use this ability to make it easier for them to suck the amount of blood that they need from humans and then simply release them from the effect of the charm afterwards.

Creating Servants

Call of the Night Nanakusa Yamori Kiss

Every vampire in every story has the ability to turn regular humans into a fellow vampire. However, the vampires in Call of the Night had a different and way more creative way to create new vampires, which they called servants.

In the world of Call of the Night, there are two main processes that a vampire has to do in order to create a new vampire. The first one is rather straightforward. They simply need to suck the blood of their target. The harder part is the second process. In order for a human to turn into a vampire, they have to fall in love with the vampire first, otherwise, it would simply be good ol’ fashion blood sucking.

This process is actually heavily related to the previous ability, charm. Because while there are vampires out there that genuinely try to make humans fall in love with them, the majority of them simply use their charm skill to make their victims fall head over heels to them.

These are some powers of the vampires in the Call of the Night that we’ve known both from the anime and the manga so far. And as you can see, the blend of familiarity and novelty concepts are what makes the vampires in this series so interesting to see.

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