Call of the Night is one of the most popular anime for Summer 2022, and likewise, its characters also manage to comfortably take the position as the fans favorite for this season. However, while the main character, Kou Yamori, is quite popular, the one who shines the brightest is actually the cute vampire, Nanakusa Nazuna.

Ever since fans first see her having fun on an empty street in the middle of the night, they are immediately mesmerized by her devil-may-care attitude and amazed at how she can still exude an air of mystery at the same time. But there is actually a lot more to Nanakusa Nazuna than meets the eyes, and here are some of the things that you might not know about her, based on the original manga. Needless to say, there will be some Major Spoilers up ahead, so consider yourself warned.

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The Daily Life of Nanakusa Nazuna

Call of the Night Unique Vampire- Nazuna Beer

As shown in the anime, Nazuna lives quite a carefree life. You might even say that she leads a life worse than a typical bachelorette who has no responsibilities whatsoever. There's barely any furniture in her apartment, and all she needs in her life is a futon, some snacks, and a big screen TV, so she can play games whenever she wants.

As for what she does other than snacking, gaming, and sleeping, well, there’s nothing much really. After all, since Nazuna is a vampire, she prefers to stay indoors during the day. She can go outside, but she would need to stay in a shade or at least bring an umbrella, and Nazuna is not really fond of that idea. So once again, during the day, gaming, snacking, and sleeping, is literally all she does.

When the night comes, however, that is when Nazuna comes alive. As soon as the Sun disappears, Nazuna will immediately venture out of her humble abode and roam around the city. She loves watching people enjoying the nightlife, and she also loves to hang out with random people and drink some beers. And when the clock strikes midnight and the street begins to empty, Nazuna will look for any drunkards who doze off at the park and have a sip of their blood. All things considered, she always has a pretty wholesome day.

Nanakusa Nazuna’s Past

Call of the Night Kabura Honda

From the information that we’ve got so far, Nanakusa doesn’t really remember anything about her past. She woke up one day and found herself in her current apartment with most of the stuff already in there, but with no memory whatsoever. She doesn’t know who turned her into a vampire. She doesn’t even know who her parents are.

The truth of the matter, however, Nazuna is a full-blood vampire. Nobody turned her into a vampire. She was born as a vampire. That being said, while her mother is a vampire, named Haru Nanakusa, her father is a normal human. Her mother is a close friend of another fellow vampire, Kabura Honda. Not only that, Haru is actually the one who turned Kabura into a vampire.

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Kabura used to have a frail body and had to go to the hospital all the time. Haru was her nurse there, and she was pretty much the only one who was kind to Kabura and listened to her troubles, which led to Kabura falling in love with her. That is why when Haru offered to turn Kabura into a vampire, she accepted it in a heartbeat.

Not long after that, Haru suddenly vanished. Kabura had no idea where she was, until one day she received a letter from Haru. She asked Kabura to look after her daughter, Nazuna, from time to time, and be her friend. That is why Nazuna is closer to Kabura compared to the other vampires in the series.

Nanakusa Nazuna as a Vampire

Call of the Night Vampires

Since Nazuna was born as a vampire, she gains access to every vampire power way sooner than her fellow vampires, which makes her more proficient at using it than them. She has superhuman strength, she has flight ability, though she rarely uses it, she can phase through objects, and she also has a hyper regenerative ability.

Her main weakness is the fact that she rarely takes things seriously. That is why even though she has technically mastered every vampire's abilities, she would still be beaten by other vampires who have a better combat sense. That being said, once she gets into a serious fighting mode, her overall abilities will increase tremendously.

Nazuna’s careless nature and the fact that she doesn’t really remember anything about her past actually gives her the biggest room to grow than other vampires in the series. Because from what we’ve seen from the series thus far, she barely scratches the surface of her true potential. And as her fans, we are excited to find out more about Nanakusa Nazuna, one of the most lovable vampires in anime history.

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