There are many elements that have come together to make Call of Duty Zombies memorable, from its Wonder Weapons and Mystery Box to beloved characters like Richtofen and Samantha. Perks are integral to Call of Duty Zombies as well, and one fan has gone out of their way to pay tribute to them through an amazing tattoo.

Perks first made their debut in Verruckt, the second Call of Duty Zombies map ever released. The original Call of Duty: World at War lineup featured Juggernog, Double Tap, Speed Cola, and Quick Revive, with these four drinks becoming iconic over the years. However, they are far from the only Call of Duty Zombies perks that Treyarch has created, as there are several others that were added in the games that followed Call of Duty: World at War. One Redditor named One-Training781 went out of their way to pay homage to these perks.

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Over the years, there have been some neat perk-related fan creations, with a Juggernog commercial and many real life perk collections being shared online. However, One-Training781 made sure that their perk tribute was with them at all times, as they had the emblems for their favorite perks tattooed onto their arms. These tattoos perfectly match the symbols that appear on the HUD after the perks are drank in-game, with the same shape and design present on the fan’s arm.


One of the arms features the original four perks, serving as a terrific nod to the classic lineup. As for the other arm, it seems like the Redditor chose their four favorite perks, as a mix of Perk-A-Colas from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies can be seen. Widow’s Wine represents Black Ops 3, with the black and red spider symbol standing out from the other icons. The other three symbols are from Black Ops 2 Zombies, with Tombstone being the only perk omitted from that game.

Electric Cherry, Vulture Aid Elixir, and Who’s Who join Widow’s Wine on the Redditor’s other arm. While there are a few classic perks like PhD Flopper, Stamin-Up, Deadshot Daiquiri, and Mule Kick that are not present, as well as Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s Elemental Pop, the fan’s eight emblems capture some of the most iconic perks in the mode’s history. Unsurprisingly, Zombies fans have responded well to these tattoos, with the post bringing in 1600 upvotes thus far.

While Treyarch’s next Call of Duty game might not be coming until 2024, fans can expect perks to be featured in the Zombies mode once it does release. Perks like the ones featured in these tattoos are part of the mode’s DNA, and because of that, they will likely stay around for as long as Call of Duty Zombies content is made.

MORE: A Standalone Call of Duty Zombies Game Should Take Inspiration From Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Source: Reddit