Call of Duty Zombies has had several great maps over the years, and recently, an artist paid tribute to one of the best with a Gorod Krovi painting. What makes the piece particularly cool is that it was made as a gift, with a Call of Duty Zombies player’s mother giving them the artwork.

Gorod Krovi is typically ranked as the third-best map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies, though that only speaks to how great Shadows of Evil and Der Eisendrache were. Each original map in the game had something that made it unique, and for Gorod Krovi, there were a few intriguing elements. Whether players were riding on dragons, battling Nikolai in a mech suit, or engaging with the lockdown at the Pack-a-Punch building, the map offered a good variety of gameplay.

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With so much going on within Gorod Krovi, as players witness dragons battling giant robots in a war-torn Stalingrad, it is difficult to capture the vibe of the map. Fortunately, the gorgeous loading screen did just that, so attempting to recreate the map’s key art makes for a good painting idea. Fortunately, Reddit user Kryyptochris’ mother knocked it out of the park, as she managed to capture every detail from the load screen of the iconic Zombies map.

At the center of the piece is a massive fire-breathing dragon that is shown lighting the spawn area on fire, with trenches present outside the first building. One of the destroyed robots that first appeared in the Black Ops 2 map Origins is seen leaning against a clock tower, with more dragons flying in the sky. Iron crosses are present, reminding gamers that they are visiting the alternate universe of Gorod Krovi during a very different version of World War 2. All of these aspects of the painting have some impressive levels of detail, with light reflecting off one of the banners and some damage seen on the clock tower that the robot is leaning against.

While Kryyptochris reveals in the comments that their mother does not actually play Zombies herself, they do clarify that she enjoys watching the mode and is invested in the universe Treyarch has crafted. Clearly, those CoD Zombies watch sessions have had an impact, as the painting she made is stellar. This art is absolutely deserving of the 4,300 upvotes it has seen thus far, as like many other community posts, it perfectly reflects the passion of the Zombies fan base.

As fans wait to see what the future of Call of Duty Zombies will be, many have been returning to Black Ops 3 to enjoy its wide variety of classic maps. Through its combination of dragons and zombies, as well as some perfectly realized themes, Gorod Krovi remains a classic in the eyes of the Call of Duty Zombies community.

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