There are a lot of ways to die in Call of Duty: Warzone. Players can be shot, stabbed, beaten, blown up, ran over, crushed by a supply crate, fall from a high place, or asphyxiate in the gas. However one unlucky Redditor discovered a whole new way to die in Warzone: killed by a spawning Supply Chopper.

Supply Choppers were added to Warzone as a part of the Season 4 update. Occasionally during a match, these heavily armored helicopters will spawn. Players who are able to shoot down the chopper are rewarded with some juicy loot, including UAVs, armor boxes, ammo boxes, and a hefty amount of cash. It's the kind of loot that can be the difference between winning and losing a game.

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Supply Choppers are supposed to be non-lethal. They have no weapons, and don't fire back when attacked by players. But it turns out that under a very specific set of circumstances, Supply Choppers are actually far deadlier than even the best assault rifles in Warzone.

Instead of spawning above the map and then flying down, supply choppers actually spawn below the map and rise up. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem. However if a player happens to be standing directly over the chopper's spawn point, the blades of the chopper will kill them. One Redditor found this out the hard way. He and his teammate were both running across the map when a chopper spawned below them, instantly team wiping them, and ending their run. Hopefully someone avenged them by taking out the helicopter.

This isn't the first time that helicopters being underground has caused headaches for Warzone players. It's unclear why the area below the map exists in the first place. Perhaps it's easier from a development standpoint to have items spawn under the map and then rise up, rather than spawning items above the map or in the map. However, as this case clearly shows, it's possible that items spawning below the map can lead to some pretty massive issues. Hopefully Activision is able to patch this glitch out of the game before any more innocent lives are lost to supply chopper blades.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

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