Watch out gamers, a new Call of Duty: Warzone quad has stepped into the arena, and they're looking to wreck KDs.

Call of Duty: Warzone, the newest additions battle royale game in the Call of Duty franchise, developed by Infinity Ward, released March 2020 and has taken the gaming scene by storm, revitalizing the genre for some players. Matches allow for 150 players to fight against each other in the fictional city  of "Verdansk" and has introduced new mechanics to the genre.

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Many streamers have taken advantage of the game's popularity to boost their prestige within the gaming community. Notably, one group of streamers comprised of Teepee, Symfuhny, HusKerrs, and DougisRaw, shined through today by toppling over the previous quad kill record and scored 121 kills in a single game all by themselves.

The kill breakdown goes as followed; with Doug scoring 32 kills, Teepee with 31 kills, HusKerrs with 34 kills, and Symfuhny with 24 kills. Teepee even shares a video of one of the last kills on his twitter page, which puts a sweet cherry on top for taking out about 83% of the entire game's population within a single match.

It seemed as if just recently, players were reporting problems with being able to invite friends into matches, ruining the game's cooperative aspect with other players. But these top tier gamers found a way to persevere through the obstacle and break the world record, which before this was at 113 kills, still a lot of players sent to the meme-worthy "Gulag."

Even with cheaters hurting Warzone, it is great to see that as a community, fans can all appreciate what makes the game a worthwhile experience. There is possibly no better feeling than the adrenaline rush of demolishing others in a favorite game. And if things couldn't get better, these lucky players also happen to get to share the experience with their close friends. Its moments like these that come full circle to when we were all playing games together on the couch. So congrats to Teepee and his squad, and kudos to anyone who wishes to break their record now.

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Source: Charlie Intel