Call of Duty: Warzone fans have come up with some interesting strategies over the years, many of which are used to pull off stylish kills and counter campers. The latest strategy continues this trend, and all Call of Duty: Warzone players will need to replicate it is a vehicle and a PDS.

Call of Duty: Warzone’s PDS was added with the launch of Season 2 and is built primarily as a defense against the Nebula V items in the game. Both the bombs and bullets emit a poisonous gas that will deal serious damage to players caught in the blast radius, so having a PDS ready to dissipate the poison can be essential for success. However, it did not take long to realize that the PDS can serve another purpose: movement through Caldera’s storm.

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While players will rarely die to the gas storm on Caldera, there are still occasions where they can get caught inside it. As such, some players have used the PDS to move out of the storm and into the circle, escaping from scenarios that would normally guarantee death. However, while players have worked together to cycle through their PDS equipment and run back into the map, some are using the tools to deliberately enter the storm to attack from an unexpected angle.

This is exactly what Twitter user and Call of Duty: Warzone player TeeshTV did, and their plan worked out beautifully. At the start of their clip, they can be seen armoring up and tossing a PDS onto one of the game’s vehicles. Once placed, the device can be seen clearing the air around the vehicle, keeping TeeshTV safe as they drive off into the storm. They do not take any damage due to the usage of this device, and after driving all the way around the circle, their PDS breaks. However, it does so right as they are about to re-enter the safe play space, meaning it lasted as long as it needed to.

They can then be seen running over an enemy with their Call of Duty: Warzone vehicle. Afterwards, they get out, beat the other opponent in a gunfight, and secure themselves a win. In the comments, many praised the Redditor for their clever thinking, and the strategy is one that could be getting used a lot more going forward. After all, the enemy team had no reason to expect an attack from that angle, as players have grown used to the storm being off limits.

Thanks to this clip, gamers will likely be more wary about keeping their backs to the storm. For those tired of being beaten by campers in Call of Duty: Warzone, this PDS maneuver provides a whole new way to flank them.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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