There are plenty of reasons for Call of Duty: Warzone and/or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players to be excited for the next few months. New content always seems to be on the horizon, with Season 5 set to arrive in only a couple of weeks, and there is still the new Call of Duty title launching by the end of the year.

However, it's no secret that both games have been plagued with cheaters and developer Infinity Ward has already permanently banned tens of thousands of them in the past. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to have been enough.

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As such, Infinity Ward has posted on its Twitter account that it intends to issue even more banwaves. The tweet also includes instructions on what exactly not to do to avoid being banned, such as allowing third-party software to modify or hack the game.

These instructions are likely for players who may be taken in by the promise of ways to assist them in-game and perform better online, while not aware that what they're doing is a form of hacking/cheating. Not that this hasn't stopped Infinity Ward from accidentally banning players who hadn't cheated at all, though the developer did begin to reverse those bans.

While it's good to see Infinity Ward still dedicated to rooting out and removing cheaters and hackers from Warzone and Modern Warfare, simply reiterating that cheating is bad and will earn those who do it a permanent ban is unlikely to make that much of a difference.

There are plenty of reasons why cheating is so prominent, such as new accounts being easy to acquire and the reporting system not being completely reliable. It's because of reasons like these that cheaters don't see the threat of being permanently banned enough of a deterrent to stop and unless Infinity Ward or Activision start taking measures to actively prevent cheating, this problem could only persist, no matter how many bans are issued.

In the meantime, Activision has still not provided any official news regarding this year's Call of Duty title. However, there have been so many leaks about it, that it might as well have already been announced. Only recently did a Doritos promotional tie-in give away the game's full title.

Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare are available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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