Call of Duty: Warzone players have discovered the secret behind the game's rather strange fall damage system and the best way to insure one survives a fall. The trick has to do with the game's pinging system, and should help many survive just a little longer than they would have without it.

Most Call of Duty: Warzone players have probably experienced the game's do or die system of fall damage. Essentially, there is no scalable damage when falling from a height, but rather a harsh cut off. Any fall over a certain height will instantly kill the player, while any fall below that will leave them unharmed.

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That exact height turns out to be 14 meters. This means that so long as the player falls less than 13 meters, they will not die, but as soon as this number is reached then death is certain. Astute players have realized the ping system can be used to judge the distance of falls.

Call of Duty: Warzone allows players to ping enemies, items, and locations, and this function is usually used to communicate with teammates. That said, a pinged location also indicates the distance the player is from that location, meaning it can also be used to determine how far a fall is. Since Verdansk has a huge variety of buildings with different heights, it can be difficult to tell with just the naked eye whether a fall will prove deadly or not, so this technique can be extremely useful.

Of course, this isn't some kind of glitch to nullify fall damage, rather the ping simply alerts the player of whether or not the fall will be fatal. Players still have the option of opening their parachute for jumps that will obviously result in death, but this technique will help in those situations where the outcome is uncertain. As to why Call of Duty: Warzone opted to use this all or nothing approach is anyone's guess, but players need simply remember that 13 meters and under is safe, whereas 14 meters or more is certain death.

No one likes having an amazing game ruined by fall damage or other embarrassing deaths, so players should be sure to start employing this little trick to minimize its occurence. Hopefully it helps Call of Duty: Warzone players stay alive longer and get out of sticky situations with a little more confidence.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Dexerto