Call of Duty: Warzone has been out in the wild for quite a while now, and the community has already learned some tricks. Things like redeploying your parachute have become commonly known tricks, although there are still some lesser-known advanced tips. There’s always room for improvement, and with such a feature-rich game as Warzone is, you can never stop learning.

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The best players out there have successfully brainstormed Warzone’s gameplay to reveal some of the advanced tricks you can use to your advantage. Luckily, there’s no need to search the internet for hidden knowledge. All you have to do is to examine the following list of advanced and lesser-known tips on Warzone.

10 Vehicles Are Always Shown On The Map

This is an easy and obvious thing to learn since noticing the vehicle icons on the map is one of the first pieces of knowledge you gain upon starting the game. While some players argue whether or not this feature makes the game too simple and casual, it definitely helps to focus on the gameplay rather than on the desperate search of a car.

Interestingly, if you further elaborate on the vehicles’ permanent presence on the map, you can get some advanced knowledge out of that. Once you’ve learned some of the most popular locations, you can be aware of vehicles parked in unexpected places. In other words, if there’s a vehicle where there shouldn’t be one, then you might be facing another player or a team.

9 You Can Stand Steady On Any Moving Vehicle

The topic of vehicles gets even more interesting if you consider the game’s unrealistic physics. When your team of three is on a run, you might encounter a two-seater like the quad-bike. The situation implies that only two people can get on the vehicle, but that is actually wrong. You can all hop on the bike since you can stand steady on any moving vehicle.

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If the third player on your team will simply stand on the quad-bike (or any other vehicle present in the game), they won’t fall off in any circumstances. These include jumping from high cliffs and performing dizzying maneuvers. However, if you stand on a hostile vehicle driven by an enemy, you can get killed by it.

8 Three BPLAs Result In An Advanced One

Having Killstreaks in Call of Duty: Warzone is incredibly fun. They greatly enrich and diversify the gameplay, and contribute to the unpredictability of the matches’ flow. BPLA is arguably one of the most useful Killstreaks you can purchase. It is a legit wall-hack that you can use after you’ve collected a few thousand in in-game cash to spend at a buy station.

For a short duration of time, active BPLA shows players’ recent positions around you at a small range. But did you know that you can have an advanced BPLA? All you need is to buy and activate three BPLAs in a row (either by yourself or alongside your team). In that case, BPLAs show positions of every player on the entire map, and the direction they face.

7 Square Mini-map Shows More Area

You can determine that you’ve become a better player by noticing that you’ve started looking at the mini-map more. It is a great tool that keeps you aware of your squadmates’ positions and statuses. Moreover, the map in Call of Duty: Warzone gives tons of additional information, and learning to read this map efficiently is the road to success in the game.

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The in-game options give you a choice between a round mini-map and a square one. Other than being a choice of personal preference, these two options actually differ a lot gameplay-wise. The square mini-map simply shows more area thus giving you more information and valuable advantage. Be sure to turn it on.

6 Spray Painting Enemies In Gulag Gives An Advantage

1v1 deathmatches in Gulag are among the coolest unique features Call of Duty: Warzone has introduced to the battle royale genre. They not only give you an encouraging second chance to jump back into action but also serve as a mini-game within the “large” one. It’s no surprise that many players are looking for solutions to win Gulag matches more often.

Apart from obvious advice like paying more attention to throwables, there’s actually a very nice tip recently discovered by the community. In the game, you can spray paint any surface – including player models. Since the sprays are brightly colored, you can paint your enemies while waiting for your turn during a Gulag match. When in a duel, these enemies will be easier to spot in the dark arena.

5 You Can’t Climb Rocks

Although the movement in Call of Duty: Warzone is far from the fluid and rapid flavor of Apex Legends, it is still pretty enjoyable and fast. However, there are limitations that are hard to accept and understand. While you can jump over fences, walls, and various obstacles, rocks are completely unavailable for any interaction. This is just dull and senseless considering the overall highly dynamic gameplay of Call of Duty: Warzone.

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At any moment during a match, you should always remember that you can’t climb rocks. You can pass the small ones that are stair-shaped, but in general, you can’t conquer a wall of rocks even if it looks like you could. For instance, you can use this information to feel safe knowing that an enemy can’t strike you from underneath climbing a rock.

4 You Can Detonate Explosives In Gulag With Rocks

As you know, you can use random throwables and explosives that are given to you in Gulag. You should also know that you can hit the fighting players below you in the arena with rocks. Thus, you can annoy them and deal a tiny amount of damage.

Interestingly, the interaction is not limited by hitting the players only. If you see that a player has planted C4 or a claymore, you can detonate these explosives with a precisely thrown rock. Moreover, you can kill a player in the arena with the resulting explosion.

3 Heartbeat Sensor Detects Players With Ghost Perks

call of duty warzone ghost perk

Call of Duty: Warzone gives you a lot of options to gather intel on the enemies’ positions and movement. BPLAs cost in-game money and last for a short period, but you can have a free and ever-active solution with the Heartbeat Sensor. This tiny tactical pad shows you if there’re players nearby, and marks them on the radar.

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At the same time, players can get the Ghost perk from their loadouts. This perk hides players from being detected by the Heartbeat Sensor, but not completely. While the pad won’t show you the exact location of the enemy, it will nonetheless notify you with a distinct sound if there’s someone in the range.

2 Recon Contract Reveals The Next Circle On Completion

Completing the Contracts scattered across Verdansk in Call of Duty: Warzone is another great way of enriching the whole experience and making the game more entertaining. Moreover, the Contracts reward you with in-game cash and loot on completion.

The Recon Contract might be the most useful one tactics-wise. Once you’ve completed this mission, the next circle will be revealed so that your team will be aware of its upcoming shift beforehand. Thus, you’ll be able to move to an advantageous position earlier than others.

1 Scavenger Contract Can Drop Legendary Loot

Another cool Contract is the Scavenger one. It tasks you with locating several loot boxes, so you will not only get the cash on completion but also gather a few bucks and some guns. What’s even cooler though is that this particular Contract can reward you with legendary loot like MGL-32 Grenade Launcher, which is considered the rarest weapon in the game.

Apart from that, after you’ve completed any contract, the next one will reward you with a bonus pile of cash, which grows every time. In other words, if you consistently take contracts and successfully finish them, your team won’t ever run out of money.

NEXT: Call Of Duty: 10 Pro Tips For Warzone You Should Know