Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is innovating in a number of ways, and though the community has issues with things like the mini map and the loudness of footsteps, the new additions are proving popular. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s movement changes give players a lot more freedom in how they approach combat, while the shared attachments in Gunsmith 2.0 stop a tedious grind from taking place. One of the most surprising additions is third person, though, and it should be brought over to Treyarch’s next game.

The third person mode featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is not exactly like the one from the 2009 game, as players enter first person when they aim their gun. Beyond that, though, it is the usual fare, with players seeing more of their surroundings and getting a good look at their Operator. Having this new perspective changes the feel of the game, and it could make for an exciting new way to play Call of Duty Zombies.

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How Third Person Could Be Used in Call of Duty Zombies


With Zombies not featuring in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and the rumored standalone Zombies game not yet confirmed, the next time players are certain they will see the mode is in Treyarch’s 2024 game. Fortunately, leaks have indicated that the studio will be using the latest version of the IW engine from Modern Warfare 2, so in theory it should be possible to implement third person once again.

While third person mode becoming a permanent option for Call of Duty multiplayer would be great to see, Zombies would benefit from the option in a few ways. Though every map should obviously be built around first person gameplay, as that is the series’ bread and butter, third person would provide a fresh perspective for players that want to enjoy something new. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War experimented with several Zombies LTMs, and while none really caught on, a third person mode could prove popular.

Just like with multiplayer, third person mode makes Call of Duty cosmetics more valuable, as players can actually see their Operator skins in-game. The unique Wonder Weapons of Zombies could be interesting to see from a third-person perspective, too, as players could get a whole new view of the Wunderwaffe’s electricity leaving the weapon and chaining through a group of undead. From a gameplay perspective, third person could make it easier to train, as players would be able to see how close the Zombies are to landing a hit.

Call of Duty Zombies’ Easter eggs have become its bread and butter in recent years, too, and the third-person perspective could open up more opportunities for Treyarch to add some secrets. If players could toggle between third and first person at will, perhaps they could trigger some kind of side quest by looking at a certain item from a third person point of view. Treyarch has added some truly odd Easter egg steps over the years, so adding some in that involve third person could be a possibility.

Ultimately, just like filters for Call of Duty Zombies, third person mode is not a must-have feature that would drastically change the gameplay of the mode. However, it would be a nice feature to have for those putting hundreds of hours into Zombies and looking for a major visual change. Whether players want to look at their Operator skin, get a new angle on some classic Wonder Weapons, or see if a Zombie is approaching from behind, third person could be a welcome bonus for Outbreak and round-based Call of Duty Zombies.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launches October 28 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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