Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Season 4 update added three new maps to the game, including a new map reserved for the 2v2 Gunfight mode called Trench. Trench has been pretty well-received by the Call of Duty community so far, but the map is even more interesting than it appears on the surface. In fact, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players can complete an easter egg on the Trench map to reach a completely hidden area.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans may have taken notice of the bunker doors on the Trench map that look exactly like the Warzone bunker doors. And like the Warzone bunkers, players are actually able to open the Trench doors and get inside the hidden bunker. This can be done in online multiplayer, but it will be much easier for players to do if they just play a custom match.

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The first thing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players need to do is collect the numbers needed to open the bunker door. To find the first number, face away from the bunker, go right, climb over the stones, and then look at the ground on the left. For the second number, head down the left path from the bunker doors and then look to the left of the barrel. For the third number, go the opposite side of the map and look inside the brown crate. For the fourth number, climb up on the higher ground, and look at the concrete slab with the metal sticking out of it. And finally, the fifth number can be found carved under the wooden bridge in the middle of the map.

With the numbers in mind, return to the bunker doors and take aim at the keypad. Shoot the numbers on the keypad in the order that they were collected, and the bunker door should open. Once inside, players will find what appears to be a Cold War-era war room and some teddy bears, so it's likely that this easter egg  Call of Duty 2020 teases that fans can expect to be added to Modern Warfare in the weeks to come.

However, this isn't the end of the easter egg. The next thing players need to do is take note of the red telephone in the room and jot down those numbers. Return to the keypad outside of the bunker and shoot those numbers in order. Then go answer the phone in the bunker. This will open up a door at the end of the bunker that reveals a turret. The turret will fire at players and potentially kill them, but it will eventually explode and the doors will shut.

This appears to be the end of the Modern Warfare Trench easter egg, but there's a chance that there's even more to do that players haven't discovered yet. In the meantime, if Aisle 9 and Trench are any indication, it seems Modern Warfare players may want to pay especially close attention to Gunfight maps when hunting for easter eggs in the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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