We know that Infinity Ward is making a new Call of Duty game for 2019, but what exactly that game is has yet to be announced. However, all the rumors point to the 2019 Call of Duty game being none other than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, and now a new leaked image may provide even more evidence of the game.

The image was posted on Reddit by user SwiftNL, who claims to have gotten it through a private Instagram group made up of video game and music industry producers. It reportedly shows the menu screen for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, which is apparently being internally-tested at Infinity Ward. Overall, the menu looks pretty basic, showing just a potential logo and a "press X" underneath of that, with the copyright notice at the bottom.

The image has drummed up quite a bit of interest online, but some have disputed it as fake. It's been said that the font appears to be lifted from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Others have pointed out how menus are one of the last things to be programmed for a video game, and so it's unlikely that the leaked image is legitimate.

While it certainly seems as though the image is fake, it doesn't mean that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 isn't in active development. Rumors have been swirling for months that Modern Warfare 4 will be the next Call of Duty game, with multiple leaks about what it may entail.

According to the leaks, Modern Warfare 4 will be a more traditional Call of Duty experience when compared to Black Ops 4. This means that it while it won't have Zombies or a battle royale mode, it will feature a single-player campaign and the franchise's trademark multiplayer experience. A co-op mode of some kind is still likely, though, and perhaps it will be the return of the Special Ops missions from Modern Warfare 2.

Speaking of Modern Warfare 2, other rumors point to the next Call of Duty being a Modern Warfare 2 remake, or maybe even a collection of Modern Warfare remasters. Considering the popularity of the original Modern Warfare games, it would certainly make sense for Activision to capitalize on them with remakes or remasters for modern consoles.

Whatever the case may be, it certainly seems as though something related to Modern Warfare is coming this year. Luckily, new Call of Duty games are usually revealed before E3 takes place in June, so fans can expect an official announcement sooner rather than later.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 is rumored to be in development for unspecified platforms.