
  • The next iteration of Call of Duty Zombies in Modern Warfare 3 will be open world, and the Mimic enemy - previously seen in Black Ops Cold War Zombies - will make a return in.
  • The Mimic's return suggests the possibility of other mini bosses returning as well, offering a deep enemy pool.
  • The Mimic's appearance in Modern Warfare also hints that the undead outbreak continues long after the previously teased 1990s storyline, which will likely be explored in Call of Duty 2024. This means that the most Requiem can achieve in Treyarch's next game is a partial victory.

Thus far, fans know very little about the next iteration of CoD Zombies. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s version of the mode is set to be open world, taking inspiration from Black Ops Cold War’s Outbreak, and Burger Town will be featured within the play space. It will also be part of the Dark Aether narrative. The only other piece of information shared about the content can be seen in the official screenshot for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, and that is the return of the Mimic.

First debuting in Firebase Z, the second round-based map released for Black Ops Cold War, the Mimic works exactly how one would expect. The creature will disguise itself as armor, ammunition, and salvage drops that appear regularly when fighting hordes of the undead. When players come near, the Mimic will transform into its true form, dishing out grab attacks and melee swipes. While it is not as durable as foes like the Panzer Soldat, as Mimics spawn very often, it can take a few hits and is a proper threat. With the Mimic’s return looming closer, it is worth considering what that comeback could mean.

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What The Mimic Means For Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies


Gameplay-wise, the Mimic will provide Treyarch (who will be leading development on Modern Warfare 3 Zombies) with a few opportunities. First, it can use Mimics for potential Easter egg steps and side quests, hopefully avoiding anything as tedious as the Mimic step in Firebase Z’s main quest. Secondly, Treyarch can refine the Mimic system to be a bit less predictable, which would undoubtedly make the Mimic more threatening.

While the jumpscares associated with Mimics in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War may have been scary the first few times they happened, the enemy type quickly stopped being a source of scares because it was so predictable. Unlike the Mimics of Prey, which could disguise themselves as a wide variety of props, Black Ops Cold War Mimics were always disguised as a usable item drop around the map. With these items not having much variety and often standing out due to their placements, it was extremely easy to predict when a Mimic was about to pounce. Modern Warfare 3 Zombies has a simple fix for this issue, which is allowing Mimics to disguise themselves as just about anything, from tables and chairs to vehicles and Zombie bodies.

Additionally, the Mimics making a comeback would suggest that other mini bosses are returning, too. After all, it would be odd if only the Mimics returned when so many other iconic foes have been featured in Outbreak. The Panzers, Manglers, and Hellhounds are all likely to make a comeback. Perhaps Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s open world map will feature all the existing mini bosses from the start, so the Abomination, Disciples, and Tempests could also appear. While fresh enemy types seem less likely until Treyarch’s next game, having all the existing foes present from the start could make for a deep enemy pool.

Story-wise, the appearance of the Mimic suggests that whatever happens in Treyarch’s next Zombies mode will not mark the end of the undead outbreak. Fans know that the next round-based map in Call of Duty 2024 will take place at some point in the 1990s, which is decades prior to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. With a story that is canon to the Dark Aether universe confirmed, though, Mimics still being a problem suggests that the original outbreak may have continued. This would imply that whatever happens in Call of Duty 2024 will not be a full victory for Requiem, as Zombies and Mimics still exist long after the 1990s, which slightly spoils the story of that game.

While it remains to be seen if the Dark Aether story jumping forward in the timeline is a good idea, as the prequel that was Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies proved disappointing, it will be interesting nonetheless. Hopefully, the Mimic being highlighted in the first image shared by Treyarch suggests that the studio has some major plans in store for the creature. At the very least, its appearance does suggest that this open world map will offer a number of special enemies to fight alongside the regular Zombies.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launches on November 10 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Already Has One Thing in Common With The Worst Zombies Map Ever