Releasing just over a month ago, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has lived up to expectations, at least for the most part. With a thrilling and experimental campaign, a surprisingly fun co-op mode, and some of the tightest multiplayer Call of Duty gameplay in years, Modern Warfare 2 deserves its praise, but not every component has been polished so thoroughly, and the game certainly suffers from some UI issues.

While Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 addressed a lot of its UI criticism before release, following an outcry from fans during its Beta, there are some interface issues that still persist over a month later. These UI issues are most prominent in Modern Warfare 2's store page, where players can barely see what items they're actually buying.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's Store Has Some UI Issues

Modern Warfare 2 Store Page

When players scroll over to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's store page, they're met with a slew of bundles available for purchase. This gridded menu system isn't too bad, clearly separating each bundle and organizing them based on featured items, weapon blueprints, operator skins, and a "just for you" list. However, the real issues rear their heads when players click on a bundle.

Viewing a bundle will open up another page. On the left-hand side of the page, the bundle's name is shown, along with how many CoD Points it costs. At the bottom, all of the bundle's contents are shown. For the most part, this menu page is also fine, with players being able to scroll through each of the items easily and see an image of that item on the right side of the screen. However, on this menu, operator skins appear very blurry, making it difficult to see a lot of its details.

Inspecting an operator skin further also brings its own set of UI issues to the table. When opening up a specific operator skin, the skin will appear on the right side of the screen by default. This means that when players zoom in, they're only seeing one side of the operator's body. While players can move the camera with the left stick, this doesn't bring the operator all the way to the center, and the operator will slowly move back to the right side of the screen if the stick isn't held. It's a minor grievance, but it should also be an easy fix.

Inspecting blueprint weapons also has some odd UI issues. When clicking on a weapon in the store, the gun is brought to the center of the screen, and the background is given a strange blurred effect. This isn't too jarring, but when the player rotates the weapon, this motion blur effect can be accidentally applied to the gun. Rotating the gun also has issues, as just tapping the stick can make the gun rotate uncontrollably in one direction. Rotating the gun to get a better look at the top of it is also virtually impossible, with it just pushing the weapon up to the top of the screen awkwardly. Again, these aren't major issues, but when players are expected to drop well over $10 for one of these bundles, they should be able to see their contents properly. Pair this with the fact that players have no way to actually view any finishing moves, charms, or vehicles, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's store page is in desperate need of a UI makeover.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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