Military games have come a long way since their inception in the 90s. Nowadays, there are full-fledged realistic experiences like Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield, Arma, Titanfall, and more that truly make players feel the intensity of gunning down enemies. However, the granddaddy of all military shooters is still the popular Call Of Duty series, which most people claim is the number one army shooter franchise.

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The latest entry in the famous series, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2, came out in October 2022 and quickly became a widespread name. The newest title features great gun models, iconic gameplay design, and a controversial story that people love to hate. It also offers a variety of vehicles that are pretty fun to drive. Let’s take a look.

10 Armored Patrol boat

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Players have been doing on-rail boat missions in Call of Duty since the series entered the HD era in 2006. However, the newer games have allowed players to finally drive vehicles and go wherever they want. Despite that, boats get the least love in games like Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2, as they are slow-paced and pointless for survival.

Still, if players have to pick one, most go for the Armored Patrol Boat, as it is the most usable sea vehicle in the game for offering good protection and .50 cal mounted machine guns.



ATV-styled vehicles have been in games for ages. One of the most popular examples is Battlefield 3, which allowed players to travel the entire warzone and perform cool trick kills. Fortunately, the ATV is now a permanent part of the Call of Duty series too, and Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 offers the best rendition of the vehicle.

In the latest game, players can use ATV with one main driver, two passengers, and hop ons. ATVs are swift, fast, small and offer a very high speed compared to many other vehicles. Unfortunately, a big downside of ATVs is their overall low protection.



SUVs are the most reliable type of cars in open-world free-roam games like Grand Theft Auto. However, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2’s version of the vehicle is a little different. In the latest military game, sport utility vehicles are all-terrain 4×4 cars only usable during extraction or infiltration.

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As a plus side, SUVs hold up to 4 players at a time and can be a great vehicle for reliable travel across the battleground. On a negative note, these vehicles are easily spottable from a distance and do not have any offensive or defensive traits.

7 Tactical Vehicle (TAC-V)

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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has done a great job balancing the land-based vehicles in the game. However, the Tactical Vehicle is one exception, as it is overpowered for the most part. The Tactical Vehicle, also known as TAC-V, is a tank-like car with defensive and offensive abilities.

In the game, players can use it to drive three passengers around while creating chaos and protecting themselves from enemy fire. TAC-V is a specialized light combat vehicle, which means it has the benefits of a smaller car alongside the usefulness of an attacking vehicle.

6 Chop Top

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From the looks, Chop Top may look like a funny little buddy-styled jeep-like car with no major use on the battlefield. However, that isn’t entirely true because this vehicle has crushing horsepower and relentless speed. Enemies usually have difficulty targeting this car because it's too fast.

Players can use Chop Top to reach objectives faster or escape tight situations. Or they can use it to hang out with their buddies, chill out, and explore the map. Regardless, Chop Top is a great multi-use vehicle with lower protection but a swift pace.

5 Heavy Tank

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After the car-styled vehicles, the tank category roams the warzone in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2. One of the bigger land vehicles in the game is the Heavy Tank, which carries a punch for obvious reasons. This vehicle is huge, full of metallic armor, excellent protection, a big projective launcher, and sturdy handling.

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Unfortunately, it has many downsides, including space for only 1 passenger, incredibly slow speed, and easy-to-target size. Heavy Tanks are best for offense, but they’re not so good at everything else, especially in a fast-paced game like Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

4 Light Tank

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If Heavy Tank is the bulky dude who trains in the wrestling ring, Light Tank is the teenager that’s a bit too serious about mixed martial arts. This land vehicle is 100% better than its heavy counterpart for a few valid reasons.

First, the Light Tank carried serious damage, on par with the Heavy Tank. However, it also offers great agility, speed, and driving mechanics with multiple offensive and defensive abilities. Light Tank is truly the second-best tank-like vehicle in the game.



APC is the best tank-like vehicle in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2. This vehicle can store 1 driver and 5 active passengers and has a total capacity of 12 people. It comes with a 30 mm cannon mounted on the top and is the ultimate mobile spawn point for the players.

APC is as good as land vehicles in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2. It features everything a player would need in their military equipment and more. It also features great defense in addition to the offense.

2 Light Helo

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If there’s one thing better than land-based vehicles in the game, it’s flying rotorcrafts. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 features two of them, the first being Light Helo. This air vehicle holds up to 5 players at a time and is the fastest way to move across the map.

The aircraft features medium-high damage, twin engines, and easy controls. Additionally, it offers a sleek design and multiple defensive mechanisms during tight air fights. Overall, Light Helo is one of the best vehicles in the game.

1 Heavy Chopper

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Heavy Chopper has everything that makes Light Helo great and more. This rotorcraft packs serious power but has a good design. It packs more protection but also offers speed. It comes packed with defensive mechanisms but doesn’t let them slow it down.

No other vehicle in the game compares to Heavy Chopper regarding its multipurpose use and sheer strength. Additionally, it has an unlimited quantity and allows as many players to enter alongside smaller vehicles. Then again, giving the lives of so many players in the hands of one pilot is bizarre.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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