
  • Melee weapons in Warzone Mobile lack recoil control and weapon mods, but can be effective in close-quarters combat.
  • Crossplay allows player progression and loadouts to sync between mobile and desktop versions of Warzone.
  • Each melee weapon has unique advantages and drawbacks, making player preference the deciding factor in choosing one.

Melee weapons in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile are handled a little differently from ranged weapons such as guns. They have a similar range of stats, although recoil control and accuracy are not part of the equation. They also don’t have weapon mods and upgrades. There are both blunt weapons and bladed weapons, but neither offers any real advantage over the other. Most players simply equip whichever melee weapon they happen to have unlocked and stick with it.

Best Marksman Rifles In Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile, Ranked

Players interested in the best Marksman Rifles in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile can't go wrong with the following examples.

Speaking of unlocks, player progression, inventory, favorite loadouts, and equipment unlocks are all synced between the mobile and desktop versions of Warzone using crossplay. There may be special melee weapons added as event or achievement rewards in the future, but as it stands, this article covers the best basic melee weapons that are currently available to all players.

6 Riot Shield

Useful In Close Quarters Combat.

Riot Shield Melee Weapon Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile
  • Unlock: Reach level 17.

It is hard to say whether the Riot Shield qualifies as a melee weapon or not. Yes, it has its uses in a brawl, but this is likely among the least exciting pieces of equipment in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile.

The Riot Shield does a little damage when it is slammed against an opponent, but not enough for it to be used offensively. Carrying such a bulky item also reduces the mobility of the player quite a lot. The riot shield is not completely useless, as it does have a place on the battlefield on some maps, but it is very situational.

5 Pickaxe

High Pont-Blank Damage

Pickaxe Melee Weapon Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile
  • Unlock: Extract the weapon from DMZ.

This weapon is interesting, as it does have some good offensive potential. The Pickaxe has high damage for a melee weapon. However, players will find that the swing rate is quite slow, making it hard to use on an opponent who is in motion. If a player is caught standing still though, a good Pickaxe swing should drop them.

The disadvantage to using the Pickaxe in close-quarters combat is that it slows the player down quite a bit, which makes chasing down an opponent to engage with them in melee range tricky. This problem can be mitigated somewhat by equipping a weapon with better mobility and then switching to the Pickaxe when near an enemy. However, in this situation, it is probably better and simpler to switch to a sidearm and finish the target off.

4 Tonfa

Surprisingly Short Range

Tonfa Melee Weapon Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile
  • Unlock: Available without an unlock.

Interestingly, the Tonfa has a very short range. This is a little illogical, as in the real world, a Tonfa can be spun and swung out to a few feet. The Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile version of the Tonfa has decent damage and can be swung quite rapidly.

Best Shotguns In Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, Ranked

There are several shotguns available for players to use in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, but these are the best ones for players to choose.

The main bonus of using the Tonfa is that it has high mobility and handling, making chasing down players into melee range viable. The only reason the Tonfa is not higher is the aforementioned problem of the short range.

3 Dual Kamas

The Stealth Option

Dual Kamas Melee Weapon Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile
  • Unlock: Extract the weapon from DMZ and score 30 kills from behind using melee weapons.

Players who equip Dual Kamas in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, will generally also be carrying a Lachmann Shroud SMG and a P890 sidearm. This is the melee weapon that is focused on stealth gameplay, although this may not be apparent when first examining its stats.

With very high damage but very short range, Dual Kamas are best used by sneaking up behind a player to point-blank range and attacking them. If the player misses and the target runs, Dual Kamas have great mobility and handling to give the wielder plenty of speed to chase the target down.

2 Combat Knife

The Jack Of All Trades

Combat Knife Melee Weapon Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile
  • Unlock: Reach level 17.

Loosely modeled on the KA-BAR knife, this is a frontrunner for the most commonly equipped melee weapon in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile. With its easy unlock requirements and balanced stats, it is a simple go-to melee option for players who don’t use close-quarters weapons very often.

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile - Best LMGs, Ranked

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile players have several options when it comes to LMGs; here are the best ones available in the game.

The Combat Knife has really good mobility and handling. In fact, players who need to cover a distance as quickly as possible might wish to switch to this melee weapon to give them a little more speed and agility. Overall, carrying a Combat Knife in Warzone will never be a mistake. Whether the player carries a sniper rifle or specializes in short-range combat, this knife is a solid choice.

1 Dual Kodachis

For Everyone Who Dreams Of Samurai

Dual Kodachis Melee Weapon Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile
  • Unlock: Extract weapon from DMZ and score 100 kills with melee weapons.

There is a subset of players in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile who simply enjoy melee combat, and go out of their way to get up close and personal with opponents. For this type of player, Dual Kodachis are the melee weapons of choice.

Dual Kodachis have a great combination of high damage and high handling and mobility. They also have a decent swing rate. It should be noted though, that this melee weapon has pretty high unlock requirements. Scoring a whopping 100 melee weapon kills will take quite some effort. Most players only end up unlocking Dual Kodachis accidentally, after racking up enough melee kills through normal gameplay, rather than going out and farming those kills.

call of duty mobile warzone
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

Android , iOS
March 21, 2024
Activision Mobile
Battle Royale , First-Person Shooter