While scavenging through Urzikstan in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, players will want to complete contracts to earn bonus acquisitions, potential schematics, and earn essence to spend in-game to buy perks and Pack-a-Punch upgrades. One contract players can tackle is the Aether Extractors contract, which will require players to take out three Terminus squads and disable the nearby extractors in the time limit, all while surviving the pursuing horde.

A twist on a classic mission from Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War's Outbreak zombie mode where players had to defend two aether extractors from zombies, the tables are turned in Modern Warfare Zombies as players will be tasked with destroying three extractors in the redesigned Aether Extractors contract. Players will want to gear up to fight through ruthless enemy mercenaries, armed to the teeth and not willing to go down without a fight. Players will need to complete this contract as a mission objective for the fourth tier 3 mission in Operation Deadbolt, Saboteur.

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Completing the Aether Extractors Contract

After grabbing the Aether Extractors contract phone and downloading the intel, players should take a moment to drop any pursuing zombies or hounds before moving to the contract area. Players will have three minutes to fight through the three squads of mercenaries and disable the extractors before the onboard rockets launch and extract all the collected aether - so, while moving quickly is a priority, it is crucial to remove any threats that can sneak up on players when fighting the mercenaries. Move with a sense of urgency but be deliberate in clearing corners and ensuring all mercenaries are dealt with before attempting to disable an extractor. Use audio clues to help identify nearby soldiers and pinpoint their location.

When players are clear to approach the extractor, interact with the computer on board to begin the disabling process. Players will have to hold the input and the position for a few moments, so make sure all forces are down or squadmates are providing effective cover. Crouching or going prone is an option while disabling an extractor for extra cover (it appears progress stops when going prone, but when standing back up the progress bar displays properly). Players are free to look around during this time as well, assessing the threats nearby and determining next steps. Players will be stuck in place for a short moment once the extractor is disabled, but be ready to move - the extractor will soon detonate, dealing a large amount of damage in a short area. Don't get caught in the blast radius!

Once the first extractor is down, head for the second marked location and begin dispatching the mercenaries. It is important to remain calm and focused - despite the time limit for this contract, panicking and rushing is a sure way to get caught off guard by a mercenary and get downed. There is typically more resistance on the first two extractors, so do not worry if it takes more than a minute to clear the first, and if the timer is under one minute when heading to the third extractor. Remain focused and clear the area of mercenaries. As long as players start the disable process before the timer hits zero, they will be able to delay the launch and complete the contract.

Best Weapons and Equipment for the Aether Extractors Contract

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As players will be mostly dealing with Mercenaries for this contract, it is highly recommended to have weapons that are effective at all ranges. Players will encounter recon mercenaries, snipers, and shocktroopers, so players will need to be able to quickly change their effective combat range. Versatile assault rifles like the M13B and the M4 and steadier SMGs like the Striker 9 excel in this regard, especially when players take advantage of Modern Warfare 3's tactical stance feature. Auto-shotguns can be helpful for dealing with the recon mercenaries who charge in close in an attempt to stab players - the Riveter, with attachments that improve range and accuracy, can be an effective all around tool as well. Pack-a-Punch is an absolute must if attempting this contract in a higher threat tier - while most mercenaries can be quickly dispatched with headshots, the heavier armored soldiers can be nearly invulnerable to weapons of low rarity and without Pack-A-Punch. Effectively dropping enemies in a timely manner is critical to successfully completing the Aether Extractors contract.

Any offensive armaments like the Mortar Strike can be excellent at quickly removing the Terminus forces around an extractor, just be careful not to get caught in the effect area. Throwable tactical and lethal equipment are also effective in this regard - when choosing between Epic tactical gear options, the Cymbal Monkeys or the Kazimir Device, the latter will pull the mercenaries into the blackhole effect, similar to zombies, making it more effective when dispatching a large group of Terminus goons. While the Cymbal Monkey does have an effective blast radius, the Mercenaries do not fall prey to the upbeat tune and will not gather around the explosion the way zombies would. Claymores and proximity mines can be useful at deterring recon assailants, but be cautious of proximity mine placement not to accidentally catch yourself in the blast if triggered by a mercenary. Thermite is also highly effective against groups and heavily armored troops like the shocktroopers.

Best Weapon Mods for the Aether Extractors Contract

If players have enough acquisitions or schematics at their disposal in the pre-game lobby, elect to take a brain rot or shatter blast ammo mod into the deployment zone. Shatter blast is useful when dealing with shocktroopers and armored grunts, with the blast radius capable of breaking the armor of multiple mercenaries at a time if they are in proximity. Brain rot is incredibly useful when dealing with mercenaries, as turning a zombie to aid in the fight against the Terminus forces can be the damage or distraction players need to easily eliminate all enemies. While there is no way for players to order a zombie to attack the mercenaries explicitly, when fighting the mercenaries defending the extractors, if a straggling zombie wanders over to attack players, if that zombie is turned he will charge the Terminus defense, giving players an opportunity to charge and flank the enemies and gain access to the extractor.

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Best Perks for the Aether Extractors Contract

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While Jugger-Nog is always an excellent perk choice, for the Aether Extractors contract, players will want to consider grabbing some additional perks besides just expanding their health.

Due to the time limit that players must disable the extractors under, Stamin-Up is an excellent aid when it comes to navigating to the extractors. Additionally, when used in tandem with Brain Rot, or with tactical squad play, players can use Stamin-Ups speed bonus and duration extension to quickly reposition and flank mercenaries.

Quick Revive is also a huge help in situations where players get surprised by a surprise zombie or, in the worst cases, a surprise horde. Being able to disengage the mercenaries and quickly heal, dispatch the zombies and heal, then return to the mercenary fight, can be instrumental in completion of this contract. Additionally, the increased regeneration factor can be a literal life-saver when players are locked in place, disabling an extractor. Remember that players can lay down during this process, taking cover from most fire - as long as there is not a mercenary immediately behind the player. If players begin receiving damage while attempting to disable an extractor, laying down and letting Quick Revive work its magic can help players avoid interruptions in progress and having to start the hack from the beginning.

General combat perks like Jugger-Nog, which increases maximum health, and Speed Cola, which increases reload speed, are also great tools for combating enemy soldiers.

modern warfare 3
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023)

November 10, 2023
First-Person Shooter