Call of Duty will be turned into a tabletop board game. The task has been taken on by Arcane Wonders, a company which has already adapted video games and other types of media in the past. But the attempt to create an authentic Call of Duty board game experience seems more ambitious than most likely would expect.

Arcane Wonders was founded in 2012 and one of its niches is strategic board and card games. The company has created many award-winning games, which are well-known in board game enthusiast circles, such as Sheriff of Nottingham and Mage Wars Arena. Arcane Wonders has also taken on the task of adapting other mediums before. Among these titles are Hello Neighbor: The Secret Neighbor Party Game, which was adapted from the Hello Neighbor and Secret Neighbor video games. The company also created a board game adaptation of Rooster Teeth's RWBY series titled RWBY: Combat Ready.

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The announcement trailer for the board game was released today by Arcane Wonders, however, it won't be funded by Activision. The president of the company, Robert Geistlinger, explained that Activision only provided the Call of Duty license, "but at the end of the day, this is our experience that we’re bringing to gamers, and that team has kindly allowed us to use whatever tools and platforms we feel are necessary to make the best version of our game for their fans." Therefore, the game will have a Kickstarter campaign, which will launch in the late summer of this year.

As is usual for Kickstarter campaigns, there will be different goals funders will be able to unlock as they aim higher and higher on the fundraising journey. There are various plans for these goals, including additional maps, modes, weapons, and pre-painted miniatures as well as Zombies and co-op campaigns. The game's setting will be the rebooted Call of Duty: Modern Warfare timeline.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans will have to wait for a bit until they can either support the project on Kickstarter or see how well a game like Call of Duty will translate into a board game when the final product eventually hits store shelves.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: IGN