Though there have been multiple iterations of Call of Duty Zombies since Black Ops 3, it continues to be viewed as the peak of the mode in the eyes of many fans. Part of this is because of how lackluster recent games have been; Black Ops 4 was full of bugs on launch and boasted a controversial perk system, Black Ops Cold War was solid but lacked personality, and Vanguard ended up a disaster by moving away from the gameplay style everyone loved. However, it is not just the recent games being lackluster that makes Black Ops 3 Zombies so popular, as it is great in its own right.

The recent controversy about the hacking problems Black Ops 3 is dealing with on PC would not be as big of a deal if it was not still being played regularly. It is unlikely that the game will stop being popular anytime soon, either, as while the multiplayer was very good, Zombies in particular shines brightly. For those looking to get into Zombies for the first time, or in need of an extra push to get back into it, looking over what makes Black Ops 3 the best CoD Zombies game to play is worthwhile.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies’ Many Strengths Deserve Praise


First and foremost, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies features an incredible map lineup. When looking at Black Ops 4, which has a mixed bag of masterpieces like Ancient Evil and mediocre locations like Alpha Omega, or Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War which only has one map that is above average in Mauer Der Toten, the difference becomes clear.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’s DLC season produced hit after hit. Treyarch gave fans a casual map at launch through The Giant, its remake of Der Riese. It followed that up with Der Eisendrache, a map with a brilliant setting, main quest, and Wonder Weapons. Even though it is the least popular of the DLC maps, Zetsubou No Shima remains enjoyable due to secrets like the spider mini boss and Skull of Nan Sapwe. Gorod Krovi’s use of dragons makes for one of the most atmospheric Zombies locales ever, and though it is too easy, Revelations is a highly replayable walk down memory lane. Zombies Chronicles is the icing on the cake, bringing back eight classic maps for fans to enjoy. Even for those without DLC, there is Shadows of Evil, which most fans consider to be the best launch map in Zombies history.

Building off of the stellar lineup of official maps crafted by Treyarch is the Custom Zombies aspect of the game. PC owners can download a number of maps built by incredibly talented creators, some of which - like Leviathan - feel as if they were crafted by Treyarch itself. With remake projects like Call of the Dead and the in-development Die Rise, the community is essentially building Zombies Chronicles 2 for the PC version of Black Ops 3. This, combined with the fully original maps that can be accessed free of charge, gives fans a huge lineup of content to keep coming back to - something other Zombies modes lack.

However, there is more to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies’ Success than just maps. Despite being over half a decade old, Black Ops 3 still boasts the cleanest visuals the mode has seen, with only Vanguard coming close. Thanks to visibility issues caused by certain weapon effects, though, most would likely point to Black Ops 3 as the strongest Zombies mode from a visual perspective. Further, a majority of the maps feature the fan favorite zombie slayers Nikolai, Dempsey, Takeo, and Richtofen, both in their Primis and Ultimis forms. Not only does this ensure great dialogue that is both funny and serious, but it gave fans time to become more attached to the cast and their story than ever before.

Gameplay-wise, the mode was packed with excellent features that allowed every type of player to have a good time. Gobblegum was a stellar system that complimented perks and was bolstered by a fair approach to Liquid Divinium. Whether it was Zombies’ music Easter eggs or side quests like the Zetsubou jump scare, the optional content was almost always worth finding, as almost everything was high quality. Though side quests Easter eggs have taken a back seat in Black Ops Cold War and especially Vanguard, each map is full of things to do in Black Ops 3, ensuring players always had something to do besides shooting at the undead. Ultimately, all of this comes together to create the gold standard for Call of Duty Zombies, and it is unclear if Treyarch can ever reach the highs of Black Ops 3 again.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is available now on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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