
  • Call of Duty trailers can range from gritty and realistic to creative and explosive, setting the tone for each game.
  • Reveals like Modern Warfare's best-bits compilation and Black Ops' espionage mix nostalgia with fresh ideas.
  • Experimental teasers like Black Ops 6's horror-inspired approach can generate buzz and excitement among fans.

It's always a big occasion in the video game industry when a new Call of Duty game is revealed. Sometimes, the developers will decide to showcase a new entry with a big and bombastic showcase, but there have also been some occasions where a reveal is a lot more subtle and unique; dropping hints as to what the game's going to be about and its setting, without giving too much away.

The Best Call of Duty Campaigns

Call of Duty has a long and storied history, including some great campaigns. These ones are the best the series has to offer.

With the Black Ops 6 rollout now underway, it feels like the perfect time to reflect on some of the most memorable reveals in the Call of Duty series which did an excellent job at hyping players up for what was to come.

This article will take into account reveal trailers and teasers. So long as they provided one of the first glimpses of their respective games, they'll be counted.

8 Call Of Duty: World At War

A Gritty And Realistic View Of What Players Could Come To Expect

Japanese soldier slashing a swear at a US soldier from behind in a jungle
Call of Duty: World at War

PC , PS3 , Wii , Xbox 360
November 11, 2008

Though the first three Call of Duty games were based in the Second World War, World at War took a much more realistic and gritty approach to the conflict, which was perfectly encapsulated through its trailer. The cinematic starts slow and somber, with a group of soldiers sprinting through a dark and gloomy jungle with creepy narration in the background.

Halfway through, though, everything changes as the trailer suddenly becomes an action-packed feast for the eyes. Despite how chaotic the action is, it also manages to retain the darker aesthetic thanks to the music choice, and the close-up shots of dead bodies being scattered across the battlefield. It's an impactful reveal for sure, which told players what direction Treyarch was heading with the new game.

7 Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2

The Creativity On Display In The Black Ops 2 Reveal Makes It A True Standout

A soldier running alongside a four-legged mech
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
November 13, 2012

Black Ops 2 was the first game in the series that really dedicated itself to being based in a futuristic setting, and as a result, Treyarch was able to show off some pretty creative weapons and machines in the reveal trailer. Four-legged mechs with turrets on their backs, tiny drones strapped with homing missiles, and miniature jets firing with pinpoint accuracy are just a few of the new additions that were shown off in the trailer, but the real star of the show here is Frank Woods.

Call of Duty: 16 Hardest Zombies Maps

The Call of Duty franchise has plenty of challenging zombie maps that will test the survival skills of players across a variety of locations.

The legendary character from the original Black Ops makes his triumphant return to provide a subtle bit of narration over the action, assuring players that even though the game is full of exciting setpieces, it still contains plenty of compelling characters and a unique story at its core. Treyarch was really showing off what they could get away with in this new ambitious entry, and it was more than enough to get people excited.

6 Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

This Action-Packed Cinematic Is An Intense And Exciting Thrillride

Soldiers running towards a building while being fired at
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Nintendo DS
November 5, 2007
Infinity Ward

Arguably the game that made Call of Duty a household name, Modern Warfare was the series' first departure from its usual World War setting. The reveal trailer essentially acts as a best-bits compilation of the campaign, without revealing too many spoilers in the process. While it opens up with Price and Task Force 141 in a helicopter, what follows is a selection of intense scenes and thrilling gameplay segments that keep players' eyes glued to the screen from beginning to end.

Moments before the trailer ends, the entire cinematic plays in reverse at a blistering speed, allowing players to register everything they've just seen before it zooms out of Price's eye. It's a genius way to insinuate to players that this is what they could experience by picking up the game and jumping into the modern era of Call of Duty.

5 Call Of Duty: Black Ops

The Black Ops Reveal Mixed Nostalgia With A Fresh New Story And Character

Woods looking out at the sky with a helicopter in the background and missiles flying in the air
Call of Duty: Black Ops

PS3 , Xbox 360 , Wii , Nintendo DS , PC
November 9, 2010

After the unprecedented success of Modern Warfare 2,Call of Duty was riding high as the most profitable video game series in the industry, and as a result, there was a tantalizing anticipation for the new game which seemingly wouldn't be too far away. Despite the pressure that rested on their shoulders, Treyarch managed to blow players away with the Black Ops reveal trailer, which mixed espionage thriller sequences with explosive gameplay segments.

Because the game revolves around a secretive group of Black Ops agents, the trailer puts a big emphasis on the idea of truth and how we can never confirm that what we see is truly real. It's a more thought-provoking way to announce a new game, but with small cameos from Reznov, and a new look at the fan-favorite Woods, it's not hard to see why this single trailer got so many people intrigued as to what was coming next.

4 Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

A Beloved Trailer Which Shines For Its Explosive Setpieces

Soap sitting on the edge of a helicopter watching a fortress explode
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360 , macOS
November 10, 2009
Infinity Ward

No longtime Call of Duty fan can ever forget the first time they saw the Modern Warfare 2 reveal trailer for the first time. It starts with a brief recap of the end of Call of Duty 4, making it clear that this is going to be another story-heavy game that continues the legacy of beloved characters who appeared in the early entry. What makes this trailer stand out from its competition, though, is how well-paced it is; gradually easing the player into the basics of the story before showcasing some of the most heart-pounding missions of the game.

Best Call Of Duty Games For Split-Screen Co-Op

Split-screen has appeared in several Call of Duty games, but these are the best in the series for playing on one screen.

The reveal trailer for Modern Warfare 2 also made sure to show a myriad of different environments the crew visits across the lengthy campaign. From the snowy mountains of Kazakhstan to the tropical cities of Rio, it proved that this game was taking a big step up in terms of visuals, while also adding plenty of variety map-wise. The ending is also a highlight, primarily the long shot of Soap propelling out of a giant fortress as it explodes around him, which feels like the perfect way to convey to players how much of a thrill ride this game's campaign is.

3 Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The Cold War Trailer Asked If Players Really Did Know Their History

Man with a gas mask walking through a street with cars in the background
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
November 13, 2020
Raven Software , Treyarch
First-Person Shooter

Before the official reveal trailer for Cold War was released, Treyarch and Raven Software decided to tease players with a minute-long video which sent the fanbase into a frenzy. One notable aspect of the trailer is it doesn't feature any actual gameplay, instead showcasing multiple clips taken from the Cold War period, including shots of the Vietnam War, and the construction of the Berlin Wall.

The whole thing almost seems like it's set up to be a piece of propaganda, which perfectly feeds into the themes of the game's story and its setting. Another aspect a lot of fans picked up on was the heavy focus on former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov and his lecture about the "Active Measures" and how they can affect a country during a period of war. Without even needing to show a snippet of gameplay, Treyarch once again had fans clamoring for more information after witnessing this brief yet soon-to-be memorable trailer.

2 Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

This Is Definitely One Of The Series' More Experimental Trailers To Date

Mount Rushmore covered with graffiti with the words "The Truth Lies"
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

October 25, 2024
Treyarch , Raven Software

Treyarch went in a drastically different direction with the teaser trailer for Black Ops 6, taking a more horror-inspired approach that almost looks like something ripped straight out of the Blair Witch Project. This unexpected trailer features live-action footage of a group of mysterious individuals vandalizing Mount Rushmore with the words "The Truth Lies" spread out across the president's faces.

It's one of the most outlandish Call of Duty game reveals, but the amount of creativity on display here, and the drastic tonal shift from the previous trailers, really makes it stand out. The way the trailer abruptly cuts off without any indication as to what the game even is also adds to the creepiness of the whole thing, but it's already generated a tremendous amount of attention and is proof being a bit more experimental can often pay off.

1 Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

The Trailer Which Ushered Call Of Duty Into The Modern Reboot Era

Captain Price smoking a cigar in the middle of a dark forest
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Xbox One , PC , PS4
October 25, 2019
Infinity Ward
First-Person Shooter

Call of Duty was in a pretty sour spot by the time 2019 rolled around. It had felt for a while that the developers were unsure what they wanted the series to be, and were constantly basing the games in futuristic periods which a lot of people had become tired of. 2019's Modern Warfare, therefore, came at the perfect time, and the incredible announcement trailer was all that was needed to get people back on the Call of Duty hype train.

Most of the trailer is very slow and purposeful, keeping players in suspense before providing a close-up shot of none other than Captain Price, who hadn't been seen since Modern Warfare 3 back in 2011. When it switches to the actual gameplay, the first-person shooting looked much more weighty and was entirely boots on the ground, which a lot of people were hoping for. The visuals had also clearly been upgraded for this new title. It was a trailer that came out at the exact right time, and is often seen by fans as signaling the revival of Call of Duty.

7 Best Trailers Shown At The Game Awards

While most of the trailers showcased during The Game Awards did a great job of evoking excitement, some went above and beyond.