
  • Call of Duty 2024 will be developed by Treyarch, moving away from Modern Warfare and potentially revisiting the Black Ops franchise.
  • Rumors suggest the game will be set during the Gulf War, focusing on security operations rather than standard ground combat.
  • Leaks claim that fans can expect a return to traditional Zombies gameplay and a potentially divisive open-world campaign structure in 2024's release.

With the Call of Duty franchise focusing so heavily on the Modern Warfare series recently, it is no wonder that so many are excited at the prospect of 2024's release going in a different direction. It has already been confirmed that 2024's CoD will be developed by Treyarch, a studio which has garnered huge success for the franchise in the past by making the Black Ops series.

It is heavily rumored that 2024's Call of Duty will be also be a part of the Black Ops franchise, with the game already having been in development for four years. Despite the lack of official information surrounding the project, there are many prominent leaks and rumors for the upcoming title that paint an excellent idea of what fans should expect from Call of Duty this year.

While many of these rumors and leaks are corroborated by several sources, none have been officially confirmed by Activision and are subject to change.

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Call of Duty 2024 is Rumored to be Set During the Gulf War

Many sources point towards 2024's Call of Duty being set during the Gulf War, moving the Black Ops franchise past its usual Cold War setting. Treyarch's most recent CoD release, Black Ops Cold War, is set primarily in 1981, while a Gulf War setting would place 2024's Call of Duty between 1990 and 1991. The proximity of these two titles could mean that 2024's release is a direct sequel to Cold War, with characters such as Adler, Woods, Mason, and Bell potentially returning.

If 2024's title is a Black Ops title, then it is likely that the game will not focus on the ground combat of standard troops, instead focusing on security operations and the involvement of government agencies like the CIA in the conflict. While this setting has not yet been corroborated by Treyarch in an official capacity, leaks and rumors are adamant that this year's CoD will take place during the Gulf War.

Leaks in 2023 strongly hinted at a Gulf War setting for 2024's Call of Duty, with actor Luke Charles Stafford claiming that he was playing a character named Ratcliffe in the project. One prominent rumor that stemmed from this points to this character being based off of the real-life SAS soldier Peter Ratcliffe, who earned a Distinguished Conduct medal for gallantry for his efforts during the Gulf War. A focus on non-American operations would be unusual for the Black Ops franchise, but if these rumors hold any weight, it could be a great change of pace.

2024's Call of Duty Could Feature Traditional Zombies and a Different Campaign Structure

Treyarch's most prominent accomplishment within the Call of Duty franchise is arguably the creation of the IP's iconic Zombies mode. Treyarch first introduced Zombies in 2008's Call of Duty: World at War. Zombies has shifted away from its original formula quite significantly in recent years, with the new open-world Outbreak Zombies formula being controversial in some circles of fans.

Perhaps with this criticism in mind, many rumors suggest that 2024's Zombies will return to the classic round-based formula, with Treyarch attempting to emulate the more intimate gameplay from earlier iterations of the mode. Despite this, other rumors claim that the game's campaign will completely do away with Call of Duty's usual single-player linearity. Instead of separate linear missions, 2024's campaign is rumored to be entirely open-world, as was seen in the open combat missions of the recent Modern Warfare 3.

Open combat missions in Modern Warfare 3 received mixed reviews, so 2024's campaign being entirely based around a similar concept would likely prove to be divisive. More official information surrounding CoD 2024 is expected to release in the coming months, yet the game is already shaping up to be a bold step forward for Black Ops, respecting the roots of the franchise as much as it attempts to start its own trends.