The Call of Duty series has been pumping out annual releases for well over a decade, and its entries have taken players to all corners of the globe in all manner of time periods. 2017's Call of Duty: WWII takes the first-person shooter franchise back to its roots by putting players into the shoes of an American soldier during World War II.

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The gameplay is familiar to anyone who has played Call of Duty before, but a few key differences change the way one plays, especially compared to the entries beforehand, Black Ops III and Infinite Warfare. While most of the tips below pertain to single-player, a few also deal with leveling up quickly in multiplayer.

10 Stick With Rifles

Call of duty WWII sniper rifle

Most of the combat is medium to long range, making rifles the best option. Machine guns do not quite have the distance and take a long time to reload, leaving one vulnerable, so they are only useful in select encounters. Fortunately, the player can have two primary weapons at the same time, so be sure to have at least one rifle on hand.

9 HQ Contracts

Call of duty WWII contracts

For those more interested in multiplayer, they'll want to accumulate as many experience points as possible in order to level up and obtain all the gear. HQ contracts help exponentially expedite this process.

Related: 10 Things To Do After Beating Call Of Duty: WWII

These short challenges include simple things like netting headshots. They are timed, so beware the risk, but the payout is big if one successfully pulls them off.

8 Use Cover

Call of duty WWII Winter

This is not the futuristic FPS with wall-running and sliding like Black Ops III or Infinite Warfare. In the historical World War II battlefield, using cover is essential. Many of the levels see players making their way through trenches, providing natural shielding from bullets and explosives. Other times, the platoon is traversing city streets or a bridge, so take advantage of the debris and cars to protect oneself against enemy aggression. One can aim from behind cover as well, similar to Modern Warfare.

7 Take Advantage Of The Squad Abilities

Call of duty WWII Squad Zussman and turner

When traveling with the squad, each member offers a special ability. After netting a certain amount of kills or performing Heroic Actions, one can call upon their comrades to either throw them a health pack, provide ammo, or even highlight enemies field. Do not be too conservative with these, as the kill count racks up quickly, refilling these often.

6 Know The Differences In Divisions

Call of duty WWII divisions menu

Instead of the free range of customization, WWII's multiplayer uses Divisions, each with their own strengths. Infantry uses bayonets for one-hit melee kills, Assault has suppressors for avoiding detection on radars, Mountain is for the snipers, Armored is for the supportive players, and so on. Knowing which one is right for a certain player takes some experimentation, so don't be afraid to change it up every once in a while.

5 Take It Slow


Without the wall running and high jumping of the previous entries, one must take the levels at a slower pace than before. Most of the missions are either about pushing forward or defending a spot, and each one of these must approached with tact. Take it slow and methodically take down each enemy one at a time. Additionally, there are no light machine guns or high-magazine attachments, so every bullet is more important. After all, getting caught reloading is more dangerous in this entry than it is in most other Call of Duty games.

4 Collect Payroll

Call of Duty WWII payroll

Every four hours, players can go to the HQ in multiplayer and collect Armory Credits. Additionally, simply logging in nets a bonus. Many of the items bought with these are nothing special, but one needs them to buy contracts from HQ, which in turn helps boost experience points. Collecting payroll and logging in takes minimal effort, so why not take the few extra seconds to collect some Armory Credits?

3 Stay With The Squad

Call of Duty WWII Sgt. Pierson

When playing through the campaign, remember that the player character, Daniels, is a part of a larger platoon. As such, sticking with comrades is advantageous.

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Not only do they lay down fire upon the enemy, but the player can only activate the aforementioned squad abilities if they are within a certain radius of the particular buddy. Nothing feels worse than needing the ability, but being out of range.

2 Prestige Guns

Call of duty WWII prestige weapons

In multiplayer, individual weapons have their own progression. Like the player, these guns can prestige. This resets the attachments, making the player earn them all over again, but this process also earns more experience, which in turn helps the player reach the highest level faster. Given the large arsenal, one should spend plenty of time fully leveling up every gun.

1 Keep An Eye Out For Health Pickups

Call of duty WWII health packs

Unique for the entry is the health bar and lack of regenerating life. Instead, players have to rely on health pickups either found in the field or requested from Zussman. Depending on the difficulty and one's skill level, certain players will be more desperate for health than others. Always keep an eye out for health pickups in the trenches and in the world. They often blend in with the environment and are easy to miss.

Next: 10 Major Historical Events Call Of Duty: WWII Skipped Over