Call of Duty: Warzone, Infinity Ward's battle royale spin-off from its legendary FPS series, is nearing its second month since release. With a fresh take on respawning and frenetic, multi-tiered gameplay, Warzone has received a warm response from fans and critics since its launch.

An essential part of surviving the game's 150-player battlefields is picking the right Perks, but with 18 to chose from in total, that's easier said than done. To help players out, here's our complete list of the best, average and worst Perks in Call of Duty: Warzone.

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A Tier Perks

The best of the best, these Perks are almost always worth taking with any build, and give their players the greatest advantage on the battlefield.

Blue Perks

E.O.D.: One of the most versatile Perks in Warzone, E.O.D. grants three different, but related, abilities. The first is a simple damage reduction from non-Killstreak explosions and fire, allowing players to better survive some of the most commonly used weapons in the game. The second resets fuses on enemy grenades when the player picks them up. Finally, E.O.D. allows the player to hack enemy Claymores, Proximity Mines, C4, and Trophy Systems, turning them against their owners.

Scavenger: This handy Perk simply allows players to resupply ammunition from dead players without needing to loot a specific type. Less time looking for ammunition means more time looking for enemies.

Red Perks

Hardline: Offering a simple discount on all Killstreaks, Field Upgrades, Armor Plates, and Vehicles at Buy Stations, Hardline allows players to get more for less.

Ghost: Another defensive perk, Ghost hides the player from UAVs, Radar Drones, Heartbeat Sensors, and Snapshot Grenades. In a game where the player who shoots first kills first more often than not, remaining stealthy can be key.

Yellow Perks

Shrapnel: Giving the player an extra piece of Lethal Equipment from their Loadout, Shrapnel also makes all explosive damage delay enemy health regeneration. This combo makes it a solid pick for anyone who favors grenades or launchers.

Tracker: Operators with Tracker can see footprint trails left by their enemies, allowing them to be followed. It also shows markers at enemy death locations, and hides the death markers of kills that the player makes. This allows the player to keep their own position concealed, while revealing their foes.

call of duty warzone

B Tier Perks

While lacking the all-around usefulness of the top tier Perks, there are still plenty of good choices here, many of which excel when combined with certain builds.

Blue Perks

Cold-Blooded: A sister perk to Ghost, Cold-Blooded makes the player undetectable to AI targeting systems and thermal optics. Combining the two may make the stealthiest Operator out there, but Cold-Blooded is still a good defensive Perk on its own.

Quick-Fix: Another defensive Perk, Quick Fix boots health regeneration when a player makes a kill, or when they capture or hold an objective. For those with an aggressive playstyle, this can be a great way to survive volatile encounters.

Red Perks

High Alert: A great Perk for those players who want to avoid ambushes, High Alert causes the Operator's HUD to flash whenever they are seen by an enemy that is outside their own field of view.

Overkill: Allowing the player to bring in two primary weapons in their Loadout, Overkill is great for Operators who want want different options for long and short-range combat. It also allows them to use a Riot Shield alongside a primary weapon, rather than having to make do with a secondary.

Yellow Perks

Spotter: Another good Perk for scouts, Spotter allows the player to see enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through walls. It also allows them to mark them for their teammates by aiming down the sights and looking at them. Forewarned is forearmed, and a player with Spotter always knows if there's a trap around the corner.

Amped: A good combination with Overkill, Amped speeds up how quickly a player can switch between their primary weapons, as well as reload launchers. It also makes equipment and grenades faster, all of which can mean the difference between life and death.

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C Tier Perks

Whether situational, lacking power or simply not worth spending a slot on, these third tier Perks are those that we wouldn't recommend unless combined with a specific build.

Blue Perks

Double-Time: Doubling the duration of Tactical Sprint, and increasing crouch movement speed, Double-Time is good for those Operators who prefer close-quarters weapons, but not as useful for anyone else.

Kill Chain - Perhaps the simplest Perk in Warzone, Kill Chain just increase the odds of a player finding a Killstreak in a Supply Box.

Red Perks

Restock: An Operator using Restock recharges one piece of equipment every thirty seconds. While this is handy for a player who has a favorite piece that they're planning to use often, there are often enough equipment drops on the ground that it's a little overkill.

Pointman: A highly situational Perk, Pointman increases contract payouts not only for the player who takes it, but also their entire squad. This can be useful if the squad is focused on completing missions, but otherwise not very practical.

plunder trios warzone

Yellow Perks

Battle Hardened: Operators using Battle Hardened have resistance to enemy Flash, Stun and EMP effects. While used fairly often, the benefit is a little too situational to be worth picking it.

Tune Up: A Perk for those players who seem to always find themselves picking up their squad, Tune Up reduces the amount of time it takes to revive. While every moment can be crucial in Warzone, a Perk to shave off a couple wasted seconds a match is a heavy trade.

When all's said and done, it's worth remembering that there are no completely useless Perks in Warzone. Ultimately, what an Operator takes should depend more on their own playstyle and the rest of their Loadout, rather than which Perks are considered the most powerful.

Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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