Although three weeks have passed since Call of Duty: Warzone's latest updates, players are desperately awaiting Infinity Ward's next patches - not out of excitement, but out of frustration. Two weeks ago, many reports of a major bug involving the battle royale's heartbeat sensor began emerging, in which several players saw the game freeze or even completely crash when they attempted to use the item.

Initially, many players assumed that the developers would quickly prepare a fix for the glitch. But while Infinity Ward has released patches for other issues since the initial reports, it has kept its silence. However, the lack of response has only motivated fans on the Call of Duty: Warzone subreddit to continue upvoting videos about the bug for the sake of visibility.

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The latest video by Reddit user u/AyeFreddyB depicts the player's dash for cover after using the heartbeat sensor. Although he almost makes it, after attempting to jump, the player freezes in mid-air for a few seconds before teleporting next to a wall while taking heavy fire that kills him almost immediately. Commenters on the video were largely sympathetic. One Reddit user upvoted the video in the hopes that the developer would notice, while stating that he had posted his own experience with the bug and seen several similar recordings on the subreddit. Others expressed their frustration with "waiting to see" what happened after their screen froze up.

The video also successfully drew the attention of other unaware players. One response from a player stated that when he experienced the issue, he thought it had merely been a bad case of server lag. While the comments also claimed that this glitch only occurs during the first time players attempt to use the heartbeat sensor, and that it only occurs on Xbox versions of the game, these reports haven't been confirmed.

While a few comments telling players to just not use the heartbeat sensor were heavily downvoted, one reply proposed an interesting hypothetical on how gameplay would change if Infinity Ward simply removed the sensor altogether. After all, the monitor has become an integral element in combat, and some commenters admitted that players could be over-reliant on it.

Hopefully, recent reports drive Infinity Ward to at least communicate with its fans about any progress on patching the major bug. Although the developer's silence is understandable, as it still needs to deal with cheaters running rampant in-game, an acknowledgment that they are aware of the problem and working to fix it might help quell some of the many complaints surrounding the game.

Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare are available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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