Call Of Duty Warzone currently has eleven different Assault Rifles available to use in the game, and each of them is quite a bit different from the next. Some of them, like the FAL or the FR 5.56, are drastically different from the others, coming by default in a semi-auto or burst firing mode. Others, like the Kilo and the M4A1, are similar in some regards, with one being slightly better at one thing but worse in another aspect.

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In this guide we'll take a look at the particular strengths/weaknesses of each Assault Rifle, and go over any unique/interesting attachments available to them:

11 KILO 141

call of duty warzone kilo setup loadout zero recoil

The Kilo is, by default, simply not a very good gun. The time to kill just isn't good enough to keep up with a lot of other weapons in the Assault Rifle category. That said, there are some cool attachments that you can unlock for this weapon that do make it into something worth using. The Kilo can unlock a 100-round drum mag, which basically transforms this weapon into an LMG without having to wait five minutes to pull it out, like every other LMG (unless you've got the Amped perk equipped).

You can also slap a high-zoom scope on this puppy, keep that 100-round mag, and a ton of stability perks, making this thing into a long-range beast if you want to get really creative.

10 FAL

One of (if not the absolute best) Assault Rifles in Warzone is the FAL. It sports the highest damage-per-bullet of any weapon in this category, and though it is semi-auto, it has a super high fire rate if you can hit the trigger fast enough (and keep your shots accurate, of course). There's also a perk that allows for the weapon to fire in bursts, making it easier to keep a high fire rate without causing irreparable damage to your finger.

9 M4A1

M4A1 Warzone

Another of the Assault Rifles widely considered to be one of (if not the) best, the M4A1 is a lot more user-friendly than the FAL, acting as a pretty good all-arounder. This gun can perform admirably in just about any situation inside of a reasonable distance and can be outfitted to excel in whatever situation fits your needs.

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This has been one of the best weapons since Modern Warfare came out, and while it may not an absolute and unequivocal best anymore, it is still up there.

8 FR 5.56

One of the less useful weapons in Warzone is the FR 5.56. It's not that this weapon is useless, because it isn't. It's just unwieldy and inconsistent. Because this weapon fires in bursts, it can make it difficult to maximize the damage-per-second. While literally every weapon needs to hit every shot in order to achieve that, weapons that fire full-auto feel more consistent with their recoil because it's constant. Some will like this gun and they'll excel with it, but for most people, it's not going to be their first choice.


Another top-tier Assault Rifle option for Warzone, the Oden has incredible damage-per-bullet. Though it's slow-firing, this weapon is going to utterly obliterate enemies provided you can land all of your shots. Due to the low fire rate, missing a shot is going to come with a much steeper penalty than it would with something like the M4A1 because that next bullet takes longer to come out. But if you have solid aim, the Oden really cannot steer you wrong.

6 M13

An agile, snappy Assault Rifle for those that have a more mobile playstyle, the M13 may not sport the best damage in its class, but it is a supremely easy weapon to use, making it very reliable. Maximizing the damage potential of this weapon is effortless, so if you find yourself having trouble using a weapon like the FAL or the Oden, you might want to pick this up and give it a go. Though it's super easy to use right out of the gate, it can be built in a way that enables it to hardly even move when you pull the trigger.

5 FN SCAR 17

Scar Warzone

On paper, the Scar looks like a pretty solid weapon. And honestly, it is. It's perfectly usable and can win you a lot of gunfights. It has a high damage-per-bullet, and though it does have a bit of kick, that can be minimized in the Gunsmith without much trouble. The problem with the Scar lies in its magazine size. By default, it's 20, and while that can be increased, it doesn't really get very high compared to other weapons. For solos, this might not be a huge problem, since you're probably only fighting one person at a time anyways. But in any game mode past solos where you'll be fighting more than one person at a time, that magazine size is going to be crippling.

4 AK-47

One of the most versatile weapons when thrown in the Gunsmith, the AK-47 might seem unfriendly at first, but once you customize it to be the perfect little beast that you want, it can be a really fun (and pretty effective) weapon.

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Out of the box, the AK is nigh-on unusable because of the disastrous recoil, so don't expect great things right off the bat. But it has a pretty solid damage-per-bullet, and plenty of versatility when it comes to the build.

3 RAM-7

call of duty warzone ram-7 loadout

Another weapon that has a high ceiling but a low floor, the Ram-7 has a devastatingly good time-to-kill but can be a really difficult weapon to control. Throwing on enough modifications in the Gunsmith to make it stable is going to make it a really slow, clunky weapon to use, so it's definitely going to be a tradeoff. This can be a really fantastic weapon, but it is definitely not going to be a jack-of-all-trades. Be sure you're comfortable with whatever other weapon is in your loadout.

2 GRAU 5.56

Grau Warzone

Another absolutely phenomenal weapon in Warzone, the Grau is not only a super reliable and consistent weapon, but it's also relatively solid on paper, too. Statistically, it can't keep up with the best weapons in this class, but it does have better damage dropoff than a lot of them, meaning it's going to be usable in a wider variety of scenarios. Not to mention it is a super stable weapon out of the box, making it super easy to use and maximize the damage-per-second.

1 CR-56 AMAX

The newest weapon in the class, the CR-56 AMAX seems to be around the middle of the pack in terms of effectiveness (though keep in mind that the weapon is still super new, so players are still getting a handle on just how effective it can be). It has a pretty slow rate-of-fire but a solid damage-per-bullet, hovering around the same stats as the AK or the Scar, but seems to have a bit more manageable recoil compared to those two. That's not to say this weapon doesn't bounce, because this thing does bounce. But it doesn't seem to do so as violently as the other two. This is not going to be monstrously effective in close-quarters, but in the medium-to-longer ranges of an Assault Rifle, this weapon doesn't perform too poorly.

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