Easter eggs are often subtle noticed only be the most perceptive players in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. With every major update comes a new series of Easter eggs hidden among the maps, characters, and weapons. Modern Warfare fans have become skilled at noticing these, as one small, easily missed detail was spotted in the new operator's outfit.

Soldiers often write phrases or words into their personal gear, small customizations usually in place after multiple deployments. One fan noticed a small phrase written on the armor of the new operator Roze that nods to a very unexpected character from a completely different franchise.

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One Modern Warfare fan noticed that the phrase "The Risk Always Lives!" is written on the back of Roze's helmet, Roze being the newly added operator for the Allegiance faction. She is part of Jackals and is easily recognizable by the flight suit she wears mixed with her unique helmet and camo design.  In the movie Aliens, the phrase "el riesgo siempre vive" is written on Vasquez's chest. This roughly translates into the recognizable phrase "The Risk Always Lives" making fans draw a connection between the two powerful characters.

The idea behind the phrase is that taking risks is necessary for survival. This is an idea that fits well within a military train of thought. It is said that the phrase is from a poem within the Alien universe, but no real-world origin has ever been confirmed by James Cameron. It is interesting to see the same phrase put onto Roze's armor as an Easter egg in Modern Warfare and many fans think that it is more than a simple coincidence.

The connection immediately sparked fan excitement at the possibility of an Alien themed event coming to the game. Although there is no sign this will happen, fans shared their combined loved for the Extinction game mode. The idea of fighting off xenomorphs as opposed to zombies might not be probable, but would be a welcomed crossover by fans.

There is very little known about the new operator Roze. As the season continues fans hope that more information about her origin, history, and chosen armor will be revealed.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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