April 1 is here which means players should be on guard for potential April Fools Day content. Normally, this day features all sorts of weird announcements, though on occasion, companies use April 1 to make actual announcements. It's unclear how or if the current global pandemic may impact April Fools, but Infinity Ward is kicking things off with a fun little prank inside of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Infinity Ward released a very small update earlier today, refreshing many of the multiplayer playlists inside of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. However, some of the playlist names have been replaced with humors titles based on memes, a nod to past playlist names, and even community references.

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I have Trust Issues is a play on words from a previous playlist name called I Have Rust Issues. Once the classic Modern Warfare 2 map arrived in the game, players could utilize that playlist to play rotating multiplayer modes on Rust only. I have Trust Issues takes that formula and swaps out Rust for Piccadilly, a map that many in the community regard as the worst. Hilariously enough, hovering over the playlist displays text that reads: "Totally Shipment. Come on in. But just so you know, if you quit, there's a penalty."

One corner of Shipment.

Outside of that, another playlist has been renamed COD Players Only Want One Thing. While this playlist is 24/7 Shipment, there is a catch to it. This isn't normal shipment, it's actually a 10v10 version which should ensure an insane amount of chaos on such a small map. Fans previously felt that 6v6 was tough to play, but with 8 extra players in this new playlist, this should be a massive nightmare.

The update brought a bit more than a couple of joke playlists however, as players now have access to Cyber Attack Pro, a mode which was detailed previously. Essentially, this variant mode balances run and gun with tactical gameplay by turning on respawns and removing the need to revive teammates. Gunfight 3v3 Snipers Only is also available and later this week will be a good time to level up thanks to a Double XP everything event that includes Battle Pass, Weapon, and general XP progression.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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