Three Fields Entertainment's Alex Ward is teasing the studio's Burnout successor on Twitter, dubbing the in-development game "Project Idaho." With Three Field's first two games, Dangerous Golf and Lethal VR, behind it, Alex is indicating that their racing game is progressing rapidly. While Project Idaho remains shrouded in secrecy, Ward's Twitter posts continue to offer hints regarding what increasingly appears to be a true Burnout follow-up.

The initial reveal of the Project Idaho working title came at the start of February, and a day later Alex offered something much more exciting. In a reply to the Unreal Engine Twitter account, the Three Fields developer attached a photo featuring some Project Idaho key art. Displayed as the project loads in Unreal Engine Editor, the key art shows a speeding car at the moment of impact, not unlike what someone would see as on a Burnout game box.

Adding onto the key art, Alex dropped a much more direct tweet today regarding Project Idaho:

"Modelling roads, setting traffic, and then driving into it and blowing it all up is pretty good fun. Again, all due to @ UnrealEngine"

Based on the tweet it sounds as though Project Idaho features something close to Burnout's Crash or Showtime mode. And a later tweet by Alex says that the studio has implemented a leaderboard for Project Idaho and that the inter-office competitive level is "*VERY* high."

Finally, just yesterday Alex released the first image of Project Idaho. Content-wise it's nothing hugely significant, just an open-sided tunnel, but it's especially enticing for those hungering for more details. Some day, players will be happily crashing their cars together in that tunnel.

It was less than two years ago when Criterion and Three Fields Entertainment co-founder Fiona Sperry tweeted, "Two things. Our first game is a multiplayer sports game. Coming Spring 2016. Then we make a driving game." Then in July 2016 Alex Ward tweeted, "Work has begun on a driving game." Now just more than 6 months later the game is reportedly being play-tested in-house and played competitively.

Even without knowing exactly what Project Idaho is, even knowing the project is still early in development, it's exciting knowing Fiona, Alex, Chris Roberts, and the whole team at Three Fields are once again working on a driving game. Burnout fans may not seem patient, but considering how long they've waited  they can certainly wait that much longer.

Project Idaho is currently in development at Three Fields Entertainment and has no confirmed platforms or release dates, though VR has been mentioned by Alex on Twitter. Three Fields' other games include Dangerous Golf and the PlayStation VR shooter Lethal VR.