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Bungo: Stray Dogs is a supernatural mystery anime that is set in a world where humans with extraordinary abilities are a common and dangerous occurrence. In a city where the dominant forces are groups composed of individuals with abilities, chaos and destruction are frequent events. When young Atsushi is cast out of the orphanage he grew up in and now spends his nights sleeping under a bridge, his life changes when he encounters Dazai Osamu. After realizing that he is a human with the unique ability to turn into a weretiger under the moonlight, Dazai takes a particular interest in him and invites Atsushi to join the Armed detective agency.

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Upon being accepted into his new family, Atsushi discovers that his life has grown quite complicated as the agency deals with murders, terrorist attacks, and global war between mafias that run rampant through the city. Several factions rule the city with an iron fist, and one of those factions is known as the Port Mafia. There are several powerful members that could even give Dazai and the rest of the Armed Detective Agency a run for their money with their fighting capabilities and special powers. Here are the strongest members of the Port Mafia in the Bongo: Stray Dogs anime, ranked.

6 Koyo Ozaki

bungo stray dogs

Koto Ozai is one of the executive members of the Port Mafia. She stands among some of the strongest ability holders and holds her own, having her comrades and subordinates respect. Koyo possesses adequate combat skills but is most dangerous because of her ability, Golden Demon.

In terms of type, Koyo's ability is most similar to Kyoko's, where she summons a spectral warrior to fight in her stead. Unlike Kyoko, Koyo's summon is obedient to her will and takes her commands rather than being connected to others.

5 Ryunosuke Akutagawa

bungo stray dogs

Ryunosuke is one of the deadliest members of the Port Mafia, known for his brutal assassinations. In addition, Ryunosuke is the leader of the command unit with Ichiyo Uguchi as his aide. Ryunosuke has a well-known reputation for decimating his targets by using his ability, Rashamon.

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Ryunosuke summons a spectral creature and can use it in a number of ways, including shaping it into sharp tendrils and even protective armor. Ryunosuke has a dark and sadistic nature and a disdain for those he sees beneath him. Reveling in killing his targets, Ryunosuke takes pride in his duties as a Port Mafia executioner.

4 Elise

bungo stray dogs

Elise is a curious case when it comes to her existence. While she is indeed a sitting member of the Port Mafia and makes her own decisions in regard to her duties, she is also the embodiment of Ogai Mori's ability Vita Sexualis. Elise is a more than capable fighter and can hold her own against even the most skilled fighters.

Still, her mood and attitude are dependent on Ogai as he has direct control of her and is even able to summon her from anywhere he desires. Elise wields a large syringe in battle, possessing great strength and battle instincts.

3 Chuya Nakahara

bungo stray dogs

Chuya is a high-ranking executive in the Port Mafia and is widely thought of as one of the most dangerous in the hierarchy of the gang. Chuya revels in combat, and he enjoys every second of proving he is better than anyone foolish enough to challenge him to a fight.

As a master martial artist who has been enthralled in combat since he was younger, Chuya mixes his strength with his special ability, Upon the tainted Sorrow, effortlessly. Using powerful gravity manipulation techniques, Chuya completely overwhelmed anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path.

2 Rando

bungo stray dogs

Rando, also known as Arthur Rimbaud, is a sub-executive of the Port Mafia. Prior to his joining the mafia, Rando was a french spy who was tasked with investigating the secrets of the Arahabaki project. After the loss of his memories, Rando was drafted into the Prot Mafia, where he now serves directly under Ogai Mori himself.

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Rando is a nearly unstoppable force thanks to his Illumination ability, able to create a large space that can bypass the laws of physics. In this space, Rando is invulnerable to harm and can trap or prevent entry to this space to anyone he wishes. It took the combined efforts of both Dazai and Chuya to overcome Rando's ability and brutal assault.

1 Ogai Mori

bungo stray dogs

Ogai is the leader of the Port Mafia and is a combination of ambition, strength, intelligence, and tactfulness. Ogai did not start as one of the best villains in Bungo: Stray Dogs. He first served as an underground medic, treating the injuries of runaways and injured soldiers. It was during the war that Ogai first encountered Yukichi Fukazawa and a young Yosano Akiko.

Shortly after the war, Ogai joined the Port Mafia and soon put an end to the current leader and took control of it himself. Ogai is a master of strategy and combat, being one of the few individuals able to face Yukichi on equal footing. Ogai uses knives and daggers as weapons having incredible speed and reflexes. He mixes his combat with his partner, Elise, who is also the physical embodiment of his ability, Vita Sexualis.

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