Details regarding Bungie's next game have been hinted at in one of the Destiny 2 developer's latest job listings. Little is known about Bungie's next game, expected to launch in 2025 following the conclusion of Destiny 2's The Final Shape expansion. But as the development of the next Bungie game continues small bits of interesting information keep finding their way online. The latest detail, for example, revolves around job experience with "many modes of online play."

While details regarding Bungie's next game are all but confirmed, there are some specifics about the game that seem likely to be true. The name Matter has long been associated with the project, for instance. Other details include the new game being third-person, a games-as-a-service project, action-focused, character-based, and multiplayer. Some early descriptions hint at Bungie wanting to create a game mixing the best ideas of Destiny 2 with the competitive esports potential of Overwatch or Valorant.

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The latest job listing for Bungie, listed for an "Unannounced Project" that's likely to be the 2025 game, has hinted at further details from the game. The position is a Senior Gameplay Designer and its focus is on "implementing a robust sandbox of gameplay systems and content." The Responsibilities subheading for the post lists some interesting priorities. The role would focus on systems including in-game controls, traversal, health, damage feedback, and abilities. That echoes the idea of the game taking influence from Destiny 2 and Overwatch.

matter and destiny 2

Listed under the Nice-to-Have Skills subheading are two more interesting bullet points. One asks for experience "Designing for live-service games and products," reconfirming Bungie isn't suddenly steering to single-player games. The second mentions "Experience with many modes of online play." This sounds akin to Destiny 2's design. Destiny offers multiple PvE and PvP game modes side by side, balancing all modes at the same time, to the best of Bungie's ability.

There are a number of other small interesting details in the job listing, but nothing particularly revelatory. Required Skills include experience with action games and action gameplay, and sandbox systems design. That's not referring to the sandbox genre of games, so much as that gameplay will feature a "sandbox" of multiple gameplay systems all active at the same time.

While the details found in the Senior Gameplay Designer job listing are interesting, it hasn't necessarily confirmed any revelatory new information. If anything, Bungie's next game continues to sound much like Destiny 2. It'll feature layers of gameplay systems, multiple online game modes, live service systems, and gameplay mechanics like health, abilities, and traversal. It may take an official reveal from Bungie to start clarifying how Matter, if that's still the game's name, will be different from Destiny 2.

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