When the outlandish shooter Bulletstorm released last year it showcased a combination of Epic Games' trademark insane action and developer People Can Fly's proclivity for pushing the envelope. It wasn't exactly something wholly original, but what Bulletstorm did offer was an intense 10-hour gameplay experience that felt rare amongst today's first person shooters. Needless to say, fans were hoping for a sequel.

Unfortunately, as revealed by Epic President Mike Capps, that Bulletstorm sequel might not be happening, or at least it's not the next thing People Can Fly is working on. Capps acknowledges that work did begin on a Bulletstorm sequel, but eventually Epic found something a little more interesting for People Can Fly to devote their efforts toward.

Sales-wise Bulletstormwasn't exactly a runaway success, and Capps admits that piracy did hurt the PC version of the game. He thinks that the game could have done better, and surmises that publisher EA was looking for something a little more successful out of the two developers.

It's ironic that Epic would acknowledge the inherent dangers of releasing a title for PC in the same week as they announce their work on a PC-only game though. Piracy has always been a risk taken on by multi-platform titles, but typically if the product is solid, which Bulletstorm was, then it can overcome those problems.

It's not all bad news for Bulletstorm fans though, as Capps did reveal that Epic hopes that People Can Fly will return to the property.

"I'd love to go back [to Bulletstorm]. I think there's more to do with Bulletstorm. Heck, it kind of ended wanting more. I'd love to see another project, but right now we don't have anything to talk about."

As far as People Can Fly's next project, Capps didn't have much to say on the matter, but did reveal that an announcement is coming soon. Epic has expressed an interest in continuing with the Gears franchise, albeit in a different capacity, and coupled with this news it gives even more credence to the rumors that People Can Fly are working on a Gears prequel. Think how cool it would be to use Gears weapons in a Bulletstorm-esque shooter.

Are you disappointed to learn that People Can Fly is not working on a Bulletstorm sequel at the moment? What would you like to see from the developer next?

Source: Gamespot