After initial hesitation, it's true: Bugsnax is worth all of the hype it's garnered in only a matter of weeks. The goal of this game is simple, or so it seems. In order to progress through the story and locate Elizabert, it's up to the player to capture strange creatures known as Bugsnax and in order to do that, you're provided with a unique set of tools.

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A bit of ingenuity and quick thinking are all it takes to become a Bugsnax-catching master. In order to become the ultimate Bugsnax hunter, though, one must become the Bugsnax. Literally.

10 Players Are Rewarded For Donating To Gramble's Ranch

a bunger and a fyder from bugsnax

It might seem like a massive waste of time when catching each individual Bugsnax already takes up such a huge portion of the game, but it's worth it. After completing Gramble's character side quest and donating six Bugsnax to him, expanding that Bugsnax capacity will finally become a reality. Having more room to carry captured creatures is definitely a perk in this game since there are 100 in total to seek out.

9 Bugsnax Traps Can Be Stacked And Combined For More Efficiency

A Snaktrap in Bugsnax

Catching some Bugsnax can be a bit of a head-scratcher, especially when it seems that the trapping methods are so limited. The point of this is to encourage the players to get creative with what they've been given and, sometimes, that requires using two or more traps in order to seduce an unsuspected Bugsnak.

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For example, using the Buggy Ball, spraying it with chocolate sauce, and forcing a Bugsnak out of their hidey-hole.

8 There's An Alternative Way To Stock Up On Sauces

a sauce plant in bugsnax

As sauces are found in the wild, they appear back in a well-known location: the garden in Snaxburg. This prevents players from running all over the map, from plant to plant, stocking up on sauces that they think can only be found in specific places. Heading back to Snaxburg is much easier and allows players to stock up when they don't need sauces as well as when they do.

7 You Can Actually Track New Bugsnax

Traces of a Bugsnak in Bugsnax

For those who have paid unbelievably close attention to detail, this won't come as a surprise. Some Bugsnax will leave trails behind such as ground residue or crumbs, meaning they've been there before. If a Bugsnak can only be caught during a specific time of the day, come back to that spot for the Bugsnak you're trying to capture and it's likely that it'll be hanging around somewhere.

6 Sleeping Will Automatically Pass The Time (In The Game, Not In Real Life)

sleeping in bugsnax

Beds are found periodically throughout the game and most map areas have them in safe places. Sleeping will pass the time and bring players closer to their desired time slot if they're trying to catch a Bugsnak that's elusive or only around during certain times of the day or night.

5 Tools Can Be Retrieved Remotely With This Simple Trick

bugsnax strabby

Rather than running over to the Buggy Ball or having to quickly jog to a trap, retrieving tools has been made much easier with one trick. Just open the inventory, highlight the trap that's currently in use, and hit R1 in order to get it back quickly and with virtually no effort at all. It'll save time and patience.

4 Fall Damage Is Non-Existent, So This Gives Players An Edge

catching bugsnax at flavor falls

In many other games, fall damage exists and it can create some pretty hairy situations while trying to perform a sneak attack or capture an enemy. In Bugsnax, this damage doesn't exist and players can't even die. Therefore, taking advantage of high points and climbing rocks should fully be part of the plan when capturing frustrating Bugsnax.

3 Scanning Can Be Done From Long Distances

scanning a strabby in bugsnax

Scanning a Bugsnak rewards the player with pertinent information including how to trap it and what it likes or doesn't like, but it doesn't need to be done from up-close. Players can back up a fairly significant amount (or scan from above) in order to get the 4-1-1 on a Bugsnak that has caught their attention, similar to the mechanics in Horizon Zero Dawn.

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This is super helpful for Bugsnax that like to hide when they feel they've been discovered.

2 Despite The Game Mechanics, Certain Trapping Methods Do Actually Work

catching snails in bugsnax

It might sound strange considering many methods take a few tries (or more) in order to reap their successes, but don't give up. Many times, the game mechanics are just a bit wonky and trapping with multiple methods comes down to timing and angles, and not the fact that stacking trapping methods won't work at all. This is especially true when using the launchpad, as it might take a few tries before a plan falls into place.

1 The Buggy Ball Works As A Trip Shot

the buggy ball in bugsnax

The Buggy Ball is one of the most useful tools in the arsenal of any Bugsnax player and for good reason. This extra Bugsnak can be used as a tie-off end for the trip shot, and it can also be used to essentially clothesline a Bugsnak. It's worth giving a shot, especially if you're out of options or in need of a backup plan to use in conjunction with the Bugsnak trap.

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