In the colorful town of Snaxburg, the Journalist meets a wide range of friendly faces, as well as a few intimidating ones. It's obvious that the bugsnax themselves take most of the spotlight, but It's important to thank the grumpuses for all the charm they add to the Bugsnax experience as well.

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Most of the game involves the Journalist helping Snaxburg Mayor Filbo bring all the residents back into town to be a peaceful community once again. The Journalist then travels all over the island to meet each grumpus and learn more about their aspirations, quirks, and even their weaknesses. And while they may all have their own charms, some grumps are much more popular with fans than others. Here is every grumpus in Bugsnax, ranked by how likable they are.

Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead. + The player character/protagonist, the Journalist, is not included since the Journalist is simply an avatar for the player and does not have many lines/opportunities to express their own individual personality.

15 C. Clumby Clumbernut

Bugsnax C. Clumby Clumbernut

Clumby's full name is Clum Clumby Clumbernut, and she is the Journalist's supervisor and editor back in New Grump City. Clumby is only really seen at the beginning of the game before the player sets off for Snaktooth Island to prove her and her skepticism surrounding the existence of bugsnax wrong. Clumby is primarily known for being rather grumpy and a bit condescending. She is convinced the existence of bugsnax is a complete hoax and that Elizabert's stories are merely folktales.

Players who achieved the game's true ending also know that Clumby is secretly a Snakolyte and perhaps used her loud skepticism about bugsnax as a cover for her true identity.

14 Shelda (Shellsy Woolbag)

Bugsnax Shelda

Shelda takes it upon herself to act as the prophet for the group, trying to share her wisdom with others for the good of Mother Naturae, the goddess she is a devotee of. She is constantly preaching in metaphors and riddles about turning away from the temptation of bugsnax and condemns them as toxins that will bring the grumps to their doom if they continue to eat them.

Eventually, Shelda comes clean about this persona she has taken up and reveals that although she had preached about abstaining from bugsnax, she herself had secretly been eating/craving them during her stay at Sizzlin' Sands. "Shelda" was merely a way of distancing her from her true self, Shellsy Woolbag; and after finally dropping the mask, Shelda becomes much more laid back and humble.

13 Wiggle Wigglebottom

Bugsnax Wiggle Wigglebottom

Wiggle is the colorful and flamboyant musician/performer in Snaxburg. When the player first meets Wiggle, she is constantly talking about fame and seems like quite the diva. However, she then reveals that although her love for music perseveres, she finds herself struggling with writers' block and searches for the right muse to bring her out of her slump.

In the end, Wiggle ultimately decides that finding the right bugsnax will be the perfect spark she needs to reignite her musical inspiration. Wiggle is much more than a simple diva, she is a complex character that has second thoughts about the sincerity of her feelings and insecurities about her future success just like anyone else.

12 Cromdo Face

Bugsnax Cromdo Face

Initially, Cromdo is merely a sleazy salesman that is willing to stoop as low as possible in order to land a sale. On top of his aggressive sales pitches, Cromdo is rather cynical and views life in a rather negative light, allowing everyone to deal with the worst of him because that's what he expects they will give him.

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However, after progressing in the story, it's clear that Cromdo is merely misunderstood and rough around the edges. In the end, Cromdo turned his back on finding honest work as it had been hard on him (and his supposed family) and ended up a con artist out of pure desperation. Cromdo is merely a tired dad that just wants to make enough money in order to live a carefree life and fulfill his dream of opening a karaoke bar, so he can sing to his heart's content.

11 Floofty Fizzlebean

Bugsnax Flooty Fizzlebean

Floofty is the snooty biologist (more specifically a gastroenterologist) in Snaxburg and is also Snorpy's sibling. Floofty very much plays into the snarky yet intelligent scientist who only values experimentation and results. At first, Floofty is very arrogant and cold, regarding everyone else below them but eventually warms up to the player/Journalist as they are a great help to Floofty and their research by the end of the game.

Despite their harsh attitude, the overall goal of their research on bugsnax and their effect on grumpuses is to help utilize bugsnax in a way to heal the sick or injured. Perhaps Floofty may be cold at times, but their ethical code is undoubtedly respectable.

10 Snorpy Fizzlebean

Bugsnax Snorpy Fizzlebean

It seems as if love for science and fierce research run in the Fizzlebean family as Snorpy, brother of Floofty, is not only an inventor but also an engineer and an architect. While Snorpy is highly intelligent, he seems rather preoccupied with many of his anxieties regarding both his relationship with Chandlo and also regarding the shadowy Grumpinati organization he is convinced is monitoring his every move.

Snorpy may appear a bit strange at first but behind his unique quirks are crippling anxiety. Snorpy is a gentle soul that has good intentions, and cares about his work, but cares even more about the ones he holds dear to him.

9 Wambus Troubleham

Bugsnax Wambus Troubleham

Wambus is a humble farmer in Snaxburg and in the bugsnax drought the grumpuses went through once Eggabell and Lizbert disappeared, he stepped up to the plate by offering his fine crops. However, instead of his plants growing bountiful fruit, they grow sauces.

Wambus is a bit hardheaded and stubborn at first, convinced that the grumpuses can live on his sauces alone and refusing to make up with his wife, Triffany. But in the end, the humble farmer just needed to be reminded of how nice Snaxburg community was once everyone finally started getting along again to lighten up and be the friendly Wambus everyone once knew.

8 Triffany Lottablog

Bugsnax Triffany Lottablog

Accomplished archeologist Triffany is incredibly easy-going and friendly and is one of the grumpuses that doesn't need a ton of time in order to warm up to the Journalist. Triffany's true love in life (aside from Wambus) is her work as her enthusiasm for history comes from her great-grandmother, Bronica Lottablog.

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One of the downsides to Triffany's work in archeology is how hyper-aware she has become of her own (and others') morality. Triffany, despite her usually cheery demeanor, sometimes goes off on rather nihilistic tangents when talking. In the end, Triffany simply wishes to leave her mark on the world of archeology just like her grandmother, being remembered for her work.

7 Beffica Winklesnoot

Bugsnax Beffica Winklesnoot

Beffica is the "information specialist" in Snaxburg, a.k.a. the town's gossip queen. Most players may not have a great first impression of Beffica as she can often come off as rude and nosey. Her favorite pastimes include snooping around others' belongings/houses in order to get proof of any "dirt" they may have about them that she can gossip about.

However, Beffica does eventually go on to explain why she pushes people away and that she's scared of getting in touch with her old friends because of the heartbreaking fear of rejection. After some digging, the Journalist eventually builds up a meaningful friendship with Beffica and realizes that their purple socialite friend may just be a bit misunderstood.

6 Alegander Jamfoot

Bugsnax Alegander Jamfoot

Alegander Jamfoot is the only grumpus that doesn't ever come in direct contact with the Journalist at any point in the game and only makes appearances via his voice recordings; however, this doesn't stop Alegander from leaving a rather lasting impression on most players.

Alegander is an archivist, crypto-snakological researcher, and occasional barista. His quirky way of speaking theatrically and always keeping the player at the edge of their seat as they await the sighting of his next mysterious tape recording makes him one of the most interesting characters in the game. Hopefully one day, the Journalist finally meets Alegander in person; after all, Alegander deserves to have friends outside of Joey Quickbeans.

5 Eggabell Batternugget

Bugsnax Eggabell Batternugget

Eggabell isn't seen throughout most of the game outside some old tape recordings of the old Snaxburg town life. Eggabell is the town's doctor and also the famous Elizabert Megafig's sweetheart. Throughout many of the film reels, Eggabell is seen in constant worry and uncertainty; always unsure of her capabilities and worrying about being seen as a burden rather than an asset to both the town and Elizabert's explorations.

Eggabell is a competent medic and a very genuine person but suffers from the anxiety that comes with her low self-esteem. She may be a bit cold and standoffish by the time the player meets her in person, but the brave Eggabell simply did what she needed to do to finally believe in herself and find her lost love.

4 Gramble Gigglefunny

Bugsnax Gramble Gigglefunny

Gramble is different from other grumpuses as he sees bugsnax as adorable little friends rather than food. Gramble was insistent that everyone else finds other food sources as he began his journey as a bugsnax rancher; after all, it's thanks to Gramble, that the player has the Buggy Ball. The Buggy Ball is a tool that is piloted by a friendly Strabby named Sprout, who was trained by none other than Gramble himself.

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Gramble is a kind soul that wishes to befriend bugsnax, perhaps out of his deep fear of abandonment. Overall, Gramble is the kind of grumpus that many players wish to protect and keep safe. After helping him out, Gramble even shows his thanks to the Journalist by sending them their very own Strabby hat, just like his own.

3 Chandlo Funkbun

Bugsnax Chandlo Funkbun

Chandlo is the resident "beefcake" of Snaxburg and is a whole of muscle with a whole lot of heart to match. Chandlo isn't just the typical jock type; he loves and cares about his friends deeply and spoils his sweetheart, Snorpy, every chance he gets.

Chandlo is the type to always take up a challenge but is humble enough to reflect on himself and his weaknesses when he feels like he's failed. While many other grumpuses consume bugsnax due to their tasty allure, Chandlo respects them and sees them as a means to help him build his strength. In the end, all the kind-hearted Chandlo wants is to be strong enough to protect his dear Snorpy from anything that comes their way.

2 Elizabert Megafig

Bugsnax Elizabert Megafig

Despite being the catalyst for the entire Bugsnax journey, Elizabert is hardly seen throughout the game. However, from all the interviews the Journalist conducted among the Snaxburg community, it's easy to see exactly how strong of a leader Elizabert truly was.

Lizbert clearly was a selfless person; she did what she needed to do for the sake of her friends and eventually, they became reliant on her. Before both the rise and fall of Snaxburg, all Lizbert wanted to do was keep her friends and loved ones safe; even if that meant sacrificing herself in the process.

1 Filbo Fiddlepie

Bugsnax Filbo Fiddlepie

Filbo, Lizbert's second-in-command, Snaxburg mayor, and Bugsnax's best know mascot, is undoubtedly the most popular grumpus out there. Filbo is far from perfect, but what makes him such a great character is his kind heart and how apparent it is that he's just doing his best.

Filbo is the first grumpus the Journalist encounters on Snaktooth Island and is immediately greeted by his charming unbridled optimism (after feeding him a bugsnak to prevent him from passing out) and goofy demeanor. Like many other grumps, Filbo can be hard on himself and often questions his worth and capabilities. However, it's clear that although not perfect, Filbo must be doing something right. After all, not just any grumpus can become the face of the entire Bugsnax game.

Bugsnax is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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