Bugsnax is a creative and eccentric game that has an equally creative and eccentric list of trophies for players to unlock. These range from stunning a flying Bugsnax by hitting it with another one of the creatures to transforming a neighbor with a very specific list of themed Bugsnax.

RELATED: Bugsnax: How To Catch Scoopy Banoopy

One of these latter trophies is titled "Sundae Best," which is a very fitting name considering the criteria to unlock it. To unlock it, players will need to feed three, banana split-themed Bugsnax to one of the residents of Snaxburg: Scoopy, Banopper, and Cheery. That said, finding (and catching) these three critters can be a bit challenging without some help.

Where to Find Scoopy Banooper

a snow-covered landscape with the words "Frosted Peak" under a silhouette of a mountain in the middle of the screen

The first step to unlocking the "Sundae Best" trophy is to head to the Frosted Peak region of Snaktooth Island. Here, players will find a Bugsnax by the name of Scoopy Banooper, an aggressive banana split with some mean, frosty tusks. Players won't need to catch this Bugsnax, though; instead, they'll need to break it apart to capture all the Bugsnax that make up the Scoopy Banooper.

How To Break Up Scoopy Banooper

a notebook page with a list of Bugsnax on the left page and a picture of a living banana split on the right under the name Scoopy Banoopy

Scoopy Banoopers are breakable Bugsnax, meaning they can be split into their composite Bugsnax under the right circumstances. For Scoopy Banooper, that means thawing out its cold exterior with either fire or a fire-based Bugsnax. There are a few different places players can do this in Frosted Peak, but the easiest is inside the cave in the center of the map.

Players should lead the Scoopy Banooper to the cave with the Buggy Ball covered in Chocolate Sauce. Here, they can find a Stewdler and a frozen Charmallow that will both suffice to thaw out the target. They'll need to use Hot Sauce to lure the Stewdler and Chocolate or Peanut Butter for the Charmallow. Alternatively, players can also set the Trip Shot ablaze by attaching it to one of the nearby torches before casting the line across the Scoopy Banooper's path.

Once on fire, a bomb symbol with a timer inside will appear over the Scoopy Banooper's head. It will also start charging around wildly, but it won't be able to freeze the player anymore. Once the timer ticks down to zero, the Scoopy Banooper will explodeinto a Cheery, a Scoopy, and a Banopper.

How To Catch Scoopy

an open notebook with a list of Bugsnax for the Frosted Peak area on the left page and a picture of a living ice cream cone named Scoopy on the right page

Scoopys are tunneling Bugsnax that will shoot freezing ice cream at the player if they get too close. The only way to catch a Scoopy is to thaw it out, which requires either a fire or a hot spring. Players should coat the Buggy Ball in chocolate and use it to lure the Scoopy out of its tunnel and toward a heat source. Because of its love for chocolate, the Scoopy won't notice the danger until it's too late. Once it's vulnerable, players can simply scoop the Bugsnax up with their net.

How To Catch Cheery

a notebook with a list of Bugsnax on the right page and a living cherry named Cheery on the right

Cheerys are the easiest of the Scoopy Banooper's offspring to capture, as they don't have any defenses to worry about. Players will need to take a picture of the Cheery to track its path and then place the Snak Trap along the line to quickly capture the adorable little cherry. It might be tempting to coat the Trap in chocolate to lure the Cheery out, but this excites the Cheery and causes it to jump erratically around the trap, making it much harder to catch.

How To Catch Banopper

an open notebook with a list of bugsnax for the frosted peak region on the left page and a living banana named Banopper on the right page

Banoppers are banana-based Bugsnax that like to stay out of reach by flying quickly between tree canopies. The only way to take them down is to set the Trip Shot up between two of their tree perches and wait for them to spring the trap. Once the Banopper hits the line, players can walk up to the fallen Bugsnax and claim it for their own.

Unlocking "Sundae Best"

a grumpus with an orange body and various food limbs stands under an arch of bugsnax. in the top right corner is a playstation trophy notification titled Sundae Best

Catching all of the Bugsnax is the hard part, but to unlock the trophy players still have to feed all three creatures to a single resident of Snaxburg. There's no wrong choice here, so pick a Grumpus and get to feeding. Once players have fed the character all three Bugsnax, the "Sundae Best" trophy will unlock.

Bugsnax is available now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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